if they did, why did he tell the callers to cancel them?
Exactly what I was thinking (and in other news, Hell just froze over
if they did, why did he tell the callers to cancel them?
Exactly what I was thinking (and in other news, Hell just froze over). If they asked him to clarify, he did a pretty shitty job, considering he led off by telling a caller to fuck off and cancel.
So I wonder what did prompt him to show up....? You've got to admit it is highly unusual?
So I wonder what did prompt him to show up....? You've got to admit it is highly unusual?
As for the Beth's booking, I think Howard honestly thought she was a good guest... She had certain things that turn him on.. she said she got a high SAT score (800?? ) and had journalism creds, she willingly addressed the initimate man-woman relations including what to do if man smells in the anal area... a real Howard obsession.... and she had that 5 year relationship with Jason Seahorn (sp) without intercourse...
So I wonder what did prompt him to show up....? You've got to admit it is highly unusual?
He just wanted to show up. Try not to read too deeply into these things.
Yea after 3 yrs and telling the people that complain to cancel 2 days in a row and the stock price is at 12 cents?He just wanted to show up. Try not to read too deeply into these things.
I think he heard that first caller ripping him and rushed in to the studio...
Sure, after three years of rushing Robin through the news so he could get home, he thought he might just show up on the Wrap Up Show, on a Thursday Wrap Up Show no less, just to shoot the shit...or in this case quite literally...the messenger.
IMO, he really isn't trying to rush out every day and if he is, he does a shitty job of it. It's kinda like the Sal/Richard gay antics complaints. Those guys have practically been in seclusion for the last few months.
Makes me think of one of the great lines from the HOHS Act II:
"Hey, Robin. What would R. Bud Dwyer do in a situation like this?"
No need to try and suck me into your deranged obsession with psychoanalyzing every facet of Howard's life there, Sal (Male anal smells? WTF!). You can stay in your incredibly creepy world by yourself, thanks. Just because I agreed with one of your kind, don't mean I'm joining your club.
LOL.. always joking...wish I had your gentle sense of humor!! And may I remind you of Howard asking Jessica Hahn the exact same question.. She apparently has Baby Wipes on hand at all times.
You only hear what you want to hear.
It's kind of a testament to how good the show is.
That's the story of all the "conspiracy theories" on the various HS message boards. A ton of amateur psychologists and armchair-CEOs over-analyzing and second guessing even the smallest comment on the show.
It's kind of a testament to how good the show is.
I'm not joking. Now go back to the sewing room and finish your Howard suit.