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  • Hello...

    I saw your reply in the "Canceled XM" thread.

    I have had a lifetime subscription since 2007 and have not used it...it was a gift... Now, with hardware changes (I have the S50) and the merger and the what appears to be a "cell phone" contract mentality, I am not sure what to do...

    Every time I call, all they want to do is sell me something...and, I have gotten to the point that I do not trust what I am being told...

    With a lifetime, what is the "truth" about what the smart move is...?

    Thanks for any help you are willing to offer...
    Yep, close birthdays.......see, I just knew you were cool!

    Although, I'm WAY older LOL!! ;)
    Hello to my "NEW" friend I think I now have a total of four very cool friends. I so know that I'm going to catch up one day and have five...... :clap::clap:

    Thank You............... ;)

    I have a question for you ( already ) is that a keyboard behind you and do you play ??
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