Just more proof that the show is in decline. Along with the lack of threads on these boards chatting up the show.
I have a 20 minute ride to the train and yesterday I was bored to tears listening to the bit about artie's audio book.
Ashley Madison, BeeCuticals anything but another boring bit on arties audio book.
Actually, the reason for the lack of Stern posts is because EVERY SINGLE time anyone posts anything positive about the show, some of the constant complainers on here always turn the thread into a hate thread. So now, even when I find something hilarious, I usually don't post about it because you people, comedic icons that you all are will spend time to tell me:
1. Why the bit I enjoyed wasn't funny
2. How it was done better 5+ years ago
3. How the whole show isn't funny anymore.
I'm not against complaining when it is legitamate (i skipped most of todays show) but disecting every single minute and then proclaiming them unfunny is just rather over the top.
Perhaps we need TWO Howard forums, one for people that like the show and one for people that don't.