*From December 7 through December 19, you can hear Radio Hanukkah on SIRIUS Ch. 76 and XM Ch. 28. Radio Hanukkah will feature Hanukkah music, and segments celebrating Jewish culture and lifestyles.
Celebrate the Festival of Lights on Hanukkah Radio
The Festival of Lights may only last for 8 days, but starting December 7th and running until December 19th SIRIUS|XM will be celebrating Jewish culture with Radio Hanukkah. With an extensive collection of Hannukah music and special segments with prominent community leader and artists, Radio Hanukkah will make you smile as brightly as the Menorah. Plus, you'll hear various celebrities share their personal memories of the season. So be sure to tune in. It's gonna Maccabee a great time!
Sirius Channel 76/XM Channel 28
* Please indicate how much you like this channel by assigning it a rating. Simply use the thread rating system found at the top of the thread and give it a vote...:churn:
Celebrate the Festival of Lights on Hanukkah Radio
The Festival of Lights may only last for 8 days, but starting December 7th and running until December 19th SIRIUS|XM will be celebrating Jewish culture with Radio Hanukkah. With an extensive collection of Hannukah music and special segments with prominent community leader and artists, Radio Hanukkah will make you smile as brightly as the Menorah. Plus, you'll hear various celebrities share their personal memories of the season. So be sure to tune in. It's gonna Maccabee a great time!
Sirius Channel 76/XM Channel 28
* Please indicate how much you like this channel by assigning it a rating. Simply use the thread rating system found at the top of the thread and give it a vote...:churn: