Does his wife post here? I am located near Meridian and would like to contact him.
to all any body know how williams seat is going ,and i would like all comments on this first of all lingthof season what if and moody i know you hate the if word but if every one is complaing about the number of weeks we run how this first insted of 2 pluse weeks at daytona we condence it .run pratice on sat,sun, quilefye mon,or tuesday twins on thursday shootout on friday befor truck race nation on saterday 500 on sunday then insteed of 2 week in a row at lowes run the all stares race for a pre lim for truck race on friday witch would pull fans in to see the truck show the bush cars on saterday and the sprint cars on sunday that would open 2 weeks eather for a off week or one for kansas and god for bid kentucy sorry about spelling but i am sure every one can figure out what iam saying happy race day krisgo
there is already a thread started about williams seat, so lets try keeping it in that thread.
instead of trying to hijack someone else's thread, why don't you create a thread. everything you were going on about really has nothing to do with william. not trying to be rude, but lets stay on topic, please.
Give it time, no equine shall go unbeaten!:rofl2:risky i lisen to 128 all day everyday and i havent heard william seat talked about yet but i will still lisen as always
Moody forwarded my info to William and he called me earlier this week. We chatted for a bit and I learned something that made me smile. William and Maryanne were truckers before he started losing his sight. My father was also a long-haul trucker. William and my father used to follow each other when they were on the same schedule. They even worked for the same company at one time. I lost my dad 13 years ago and it sure was great talking to William about that stuff. Thanks Dave for everything!
Give it time, no equine shall go unbeaten!:rofl2: