Barack Obama or Kanye West?
H hyson Forum Jerk Oct 19, 2008 11,844 1,061 113 Sep 16, 2009 #2 BO would f*$% Kanye's ass up. Then BO's dog would bite Kanye in the testicles for being a tool.
X xan_user Banned Dec 16, 2008 3,234 74 48 Nor-Cal Sep 16, 2009 #3 Shit, Taylor Swift could have taken west out, but she's too polite to beat down a mentally challenged douche on national TV.
Shit, Taylor Swift could have taken west out, but she's too polite to beat down a mentally challenged douche on national TV.
HecticArt Administrator Oct 19, 2008 51,713 18,519 168 Toledo, Ohio Sep 16, 2009 #4 Hectic WIN'S! ! ! ! ! Ha Ha Ha HA!
v1ru5 Well-Known Member Oct 24, 2008 1,690 67 48 Harrisburg PA. Sep 17, 2009 #5 For some reason I think the Prez could take that asshole.
Vargas Molon Labe! Oct 16, 2008 3,426 153 63 Western, PA Sep 17, 2009 #6 I think Kayne would win, sadly. He probably has retard strength.
J JKoffler44 Member Oct 20, 2008 65 5 8 Sep 17, 2009 #7 I have a feeling secret service taught Obama some slick moves in case he ever had to go hand-to-hand with some terrorist. He could take out Kanye, no problem. It will be like Bob Barker when he took out Adam Sandler. Reactions: xan_user
I have a feeling secret service taught Obama some slick moves in case he ever had to go hand-to-hand with some terrorist. He could take out Kanye, no problem. It will be like Bob Barker when he took out Adam Sandler.