Knowing Mel K he'll add commercials to the music channels at some point[as long as it's only 1-2 breaks an hour i'm fine with it].
At first blush, I'd agree with you. But that has the potential to turn off so many subscribers, that the risk of subscriber revenue loss may outweigh the potential incremental revenue. To be honest, satellite radio has not attracted the greatest quality of advertisers on the channels that run ads. Perhaps that would change...
All stocks are low, these days. So, I wouldn't worry more about Sirius XM than about half of the other stocks out there. I think it'll be business as usual. Of course, I might be wrong, and lose my investment in a lifetime sub...
I forget the math, but you can get 1 year at $12.95 a month times 11 month. You can get 2 years of service at $12.95 a month times 22 months. A lifetime fee is paid off after 3 1/2 years or so.
Declare Bankruptcy, then get snatched up by Google.
I almost think that would be the best thing for it.