what media encoder do you use?


Molon Labe!
Oct 16, 2008
Western, PA
Ok, I bought a new PMP (samsung P3) and I have to convert my video to an acceptable format before I can transfer it to the player.

What do you use?

I've tried Handbrake and either I'm really screwing something up or it just doesn't work for me. It will get to about 5% and shut down.

Media Encoder looks really complicated.

Just wondering what anyone uses and how you use it.


Top Brass, ADVP
Oct 11, 2008
Lake Huntzing
I use Handbrake. It was doing that 5% thing to me, too. I think I reinstalled it and then it worked. I'm not sure.


Molon Labe!
Oct 16, 2008
Western, PA
I use Handbrake. It was doing that 5% thing to me, too. I think I reinstalled it and then it worked. I'm not sure.

Somebody post your config!!

Also, I think I have some sort of virus on my home pc because everytime I run a virus scan, it shts down at about 70% of the scan. Also, it shuts down during a DVD rip sometimes, and it also shuts down during the Handbrake. I'm currenlty handbraking something on my laptop right now and it is 100% with no different config than I used at home.

I'm running a malwarebytes program on the home pc now.


Molon Labe!
Oct 16, 2008
Western, PA
I got handbrake to work on my home pc. I should have figured out the problem sooner.

My computer would shut down when using a lot of CPU and I finally decided that it could be overheating. I opened up the PC and there was so much dust I could hardly see any of the components. Cleaned it up and it works great.

Plus, in thinking that I had a virus of some sort, I totally wiped the harddrive this weekend to get it back to original status.

Anyway, I got handbrake to work on converting a file.