TV coverage topic


Active Member
Oct 22, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
It was on TMD this morning and Id like to weigh in on this.

In the past, before the FOX TV contract, the absolute best coverage was without a doubt, ESPN. It was basic, insightful, intellegent, and best of all, the racing was the main theme of the show.

Now in present time, the best coverage is FOX. All the other networks are head over heels trying to copy them. Which is the problem I have with TNT and ESPN. Its the same show as Fox. Hollywood Hotel, 3 announcers, same formula, same idea. Now ESPN did a fantastic job this year of showing us the end of races commercial free. Im actually surprised nobody brought this up. In the final 5 races, they showed at least the last 35-40 minutes of the race commercial free.

My beef with the coverage in 2008 is that, the on track product takes a back seat to certain elements. With this respect, FOX does this the most. FOX will put its production, its announcers, Digger, and any half brained idea they have ahead of anything that happens on the track. I absolutly hate, with a passion that the announcers put themselves at the forefront of the coverage. Sitting there screaming about Digger once an hour while plugging your website. You never saw that with the announcers of the networks in the 90's.

I think NBC/TNT had it best in the first tv package. 7 on air personalities, good coverage, through the feild, etc etc.

And I dont get what David Pooles big hate-on for through the feild, or showing other cars in the race. What is wrong, in a 4.5 hour broadcast, is there showing some on track action for whatever position. Sure its not for the lead but isnt watching some on track battling more exciting than watching the clowns in the hotel eating food, or watching Dale Jr ride around in 6th while listening to his in-car audio for the 1000th time? Show some variety during the broadcast. Maybe it will keep peoples attention longer instead of showing the same cars over and over again. So David, to answer, why do you care about people racing back in the pack? Because its 10006% better than what they show instead.
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Oct 14, 2008
Jacksonville Fl
Well Dex the reason they plug their stuff is because of what the rights to broadcast the race cost. they help make that up by hits to their website(can charge more for their ads then) By selling Digger products etc.. I agree I love through the field, not sure why David poole wouldn't like that.

Easy Money

Active Member
Oct 25, 2008
Poole has a point to some degree, but they shouldnt disregard the rest of the field completely. Most fans are only interested in those spots when their driver is stuck back there.

On another note, I dont understand people bitchin about the pre race coverage. Why watch it if you dont like it. Thats just looking for something to bitch about. Shut up already and quit ruining my life!!!!!!!:bigahh:


Active Member
Oct 22, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
I agree with you EM. You can go online and get the green flag time and plan accordingly. I get up, have enough time to get coffee and breakfast and back in time to throw a disc in and lets get the race going.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
Oh another thing Id like to mention about the coverage in the 90's. I remember when the commentators used to call the car by its sponser name/manufacturer. They used to call the name of the race by tyhe actual name of the race. Now its very selective, based on im assuming, how much money the sponser pays the TV network to mention their name. I think it should be mandatory that car and race sponsers get mentioned, they get more bang for thier buck that way, and with sponsers having to pay 25 million a year for a car, they should get all the bang they can.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2008
New Paris, OH
I actually enjoy TNT's coverage the best. I like Petty in the booth. He hasn't drank the "bad announcer kool-aid" yet. He announces like a driver and not a talking head. I miss Benny though. Joy, DW, and Larry Mac annoy the hell out of me.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2008
I liked the television coverage best prior to FOX taking over in 2001. I'm usually in the minority on most every issue on this board but I don't care much for the FOX coverage. DW has become the John Madden of NASCAR announces in my book. Like Madden, I used to like DW allot, but now, not so much.

I know that I'm probably in the minority on this too, but who the heck did Allan Bestwick piss off? I like him much better in the booth than his replacement. The same with the Monday night show on Speed. I tried it a few times after Allan was gone but just couldn't take it. Nothing against Dave Despain but A. Bestwick is very knowledgeable about NASCAR. Dave's great but NASCAR isn't his main thing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Southern Colorado
My 2 Cents

Listening wise, I like Fox, I noticed that TNT and ESPN did more blabbering, and I would be hitting the mute button. I like to watch muted while tuned into a driver feed, so you got the best of the both worlds, but then you had to watch live with all the commercials. I guess technology has spoiled me..... :p


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2008

Steve byrnes now hosts Thiw Week In NASCAR on speed on mondays. It is much more like it was with Allen. Give it a shot this year.

I'll give it a shot. I just thought the chemistry between Allan as the host & Johnny B., Ken S., & M. Waltrip as guests was great! It didn't matter to me that their combined cup wins were less than 10. I still found it a fun show to watch.


Oct 14, 2008
From the times I watched TWIN last year the best weeks was when waltrip and biffle were on together, but thats me.


Oct 24, 2008
South Louisiana
I like TWIN when Waltrip is on. Even better when Waltrip and Knaus is on together. Mikey tends to piss Chad off and it is funny. Mikey is funny.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Can't remember
Fox, on all of their stations, is all about the stupid graphics!! Just take the crap off the screen and show the race!

Took the words out of my mouth!!! I can't stand the clutter on the screen.

I don't want to see what show is coming up, that's what a channel guide is for.

I don't want to see a rat that looks like a cartoon coming up from the track, I can watch Disney for cartoons.

I don't want to see the race schedule that is coming up the next week. I'll wait till next week and use that handy channel guide.

Please, just show the race not all that other clutter. Wow, I'm feeling better already getting that off my chest LOL!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2008
I though that Despain was great on his own, Sunday night show but I though that TWIN absolutely blew when he took over that host position. I started to feel like I was watching Meet The Press or something. It went from a fun show to everyone being so uptight & uncomfortable.


Oct 23, 2008
Took the words out of my mouth!!! I can't stand the clutter on the screen.

I don't want to see what show is coming up, that's what a channel guide is for.

I don't want to see a rat that looks like a cartoon coming up from the track, I can watch Disney for cartoons.

I don't want to see the race schedule that is coming up the next week. I'll wait till next week and use that handy channel guide.

Please, just show the race not all that other clutter. Wow, I'm feeling better already getting that off my chest LOL!!!

Maybe you would rather have pay per view