Booble is "losing it"
"It’s the Device, Stupid!"
"To its detriment, radio just hasn’t done technology... As much as I love the radio industry and its long-term business fundamentals (despite the current carnage), I believe one criticism can be fairly leveled: radio, for most of the last 40 years, has not embraced technological innovation... At great risk of biting the hand that partially feeds me, I’d also observe that AM/FM is the last of all media to upgrade to a digital infrastructure, and began that transition at the last possible instant...
I got a bunch of thought provoking comments on The Long Tail column, and the usual suspects questioning my sanity and family background."
iBiquity Digital Corporation - Bob?s Column: Thoughts on Radio?s Digital Future
This is Bob Savage's (WYSL) response to Booble's column. Booble dissed the radio industry, and the HD Radio blame-game is startng, and Booble is "losing it":
"Re: It’s the Device, Stupid!"
"Strew-Bull's comments are such a 'tell' - indicative of how much contempt he has for the industry which his idiotic system is currently in the process of trashing. Reading between the lines: frustration and anger. He's ticked because the radio industry isn't beating a path to iBiquity to 'embrace' his junk-engineering hybrid-digital disaster... More dishonest, arrogant nonsense from....who else? The perpetrator of the radio industry's most notorious engineering blunder in 85 years of 'true' innovation. Leave it to Strew-Bull to diss the people who have given him the stage from which he can proffer abject, hostile nonsense. Go crawl back under your rock, Mr. iBiquity. How's that fund-raising to float your tiny little loser company going on Wall Street these days??"
iBiquity Collecting Retail Tales
"Digital Over the Air and Digital Online: We Can Walk and Chew Gum at the Same Time"
"Beware of pundits, advisors or bloggers advocating false choices... In this narrative, any time spent on HD RadioTM implementation (or much of anything else for that matter) is wasted, because being digital online is the only way to save our great industry. Preposterous I say. We are capable of and need to do both... A slight sidebar in this area: all those claims that mobile internet (Wi-Fi, WiMax, others), in cars or elsewhere, means Armageddon for AM/FM radio are hogwash...
I got several great emails last month, as well as the collection of usual suspects accusing me of destroying the world as we know it."
iBiquity Digital Corporation - Digital Over the Air and Digital Online: We Can Walk and Chew Gum at the Same Time
Mark Ramsey's response to one of Booble's other columns - again, Booble is "losing it" and obviously is clueless:
"Is Struble the Next Rowdy Roddy Piper?"
"Although with lines like 'Preposterous I say' and 'hogwash', Bob is not going to win over any of Gen X'ers and Y'ers who may still have some affinity for radio."
radiosherpa: Is Struble the Next Rowdy Roddy Piper?
"Nobody cares what we own"
"Beware of pundits, advisors or bloggers advocating false choices, advises iBiquity chief Bob Struble. I know he means well, and I sure admire his zeal and his pluck... While this is technically true, it misses the entire point of our digital age."
Hear 2.0: Nobody cares what we own