This Sucks, But Rules Are Rules


Oct 10, 2008
South Louisiana
I certainly don't blame him for doing what he did.

Having worked in a grocery store, it's very common to see that women will leave their purse unattended for a few moments in the cart while they shop for stuff.


Power Pig, Hello!
Oct 12, 2008
Having worked in a grocery store, it's very common to see that women will leave their purse unattended for a few moments in the cart while they shop for stuff.

I saw that just this past Sunday... not only did the woman walk away leaving her purse, it was wide open with her phone and other stuff in plain view. Crazy in today's world.

TSS Taylor

Oct 9, 2008
Chicago, IL
I got suspended from the Olive Garden in 2001 for chasing down 3 guys who split on the bill. They were acting pretty suspicious. I got the money to pay the bill. Adrenaline kicked in and just did what felt right. I was told never to do it again and got suspended for a few days. That was a corporate policy.

Then at the next very nice restaurant I worked which was a much smaller company if someone walked out on the bill a group of people including the managers would have all likely chased down the person who split on the bill. It was quite a different environment.


Forum Jerk
Oct 19, 2008
He'll get his job back. No doubt.

I wish people and companies stopped being such pussies. That's partly the reason we have so much crime... these ar-tards know the company policies and think they'll get away with their shennanigans.

Now, if they know there's a Mossberg shotgun sitting behind the counter, and yes, they will use it, Mr. Dumbass criminal may rethink his next step before getting his ass pummeled.

I applaud this guy. F**k his liberal ass company.


Green Type of Tube
Oct 11, 2008
He'll get his job back. No doubt.

I wish people and companies stopped being such pussies. That's partly the reason we have so much crime... these ar-tards know the company policies and think they'll get away with their shennanigans.

Now, if they know there's a Mossberg shotgun sitting behind the counter, and yes, they will use it, Mr. Dumbass criminal may rethink his next step before getting his ass pummeled.

I applaud this guy. F**k his liberal ass company.

they just don't want to have to deal with medical bills or a lawsuit if an employee gets hurt or killed chasing down a stolen purse. if there is anything in that purse that is worth getting hurt or killed over, she should have been protecting it better.


Oct 11, 2008
its not as bad as the natural foods guy who got fired for taking home sandwiches at the end of the day that had already been counted as waste. that makes no sense at all, why fire someone for eating wasted food that has already been counted. if i'm closing at the end of the night, i would rather see the crew eat the leftovers rather than just throw them away truely wasted.


Oct 10, 2008
South Louisiana
its not as bad as the natural foods guy who got fired for taking home sandwiches at the end of the day that had already been counted as waste. that makes no sense at all, why fire someone for eating wasted food that has already been counted. if i'm closing at the end of the night, i would rather see the crew eat the leftovers rather than just throw them away truely wasted.

While I pretty much agree with you... the difficulties involved.

1. The Board of Health frowns upon this kind of activity.
2. Taking home anything without passing it through the cash register gives too much of an opportunity for theft by employee.
3. Management might feel they're going to miss out on a few sales. Employee might decide to skip out on buying food towards the end of the shift, because he's counting on the free stuff later?


Intelligent Donkey
Oct 15, 2008
I saw that just this past Sunday... not only did the woman walk away leaving her purse, it was wide open with her phone and other stuff in plain view. Crazy in today's world.

That is a sad commentary on todays world. We call the person that that is doing nothing wrong crazy, and that she somehow is responsible for what happens to her. We really need to think about such things and realize that bad people and bad behavior is just that bad and not normal. People that trust that people should do the right thing are right and not wrong.

Not jumping on you, but I have done the same thing where I saw someone do something careless like that and I thought that they should be more aware.

We have become too tolerant in our culture for people that do wrong, there is no more shame and that we enable bad behavior.


Forum Jerk
Oct 19, 2008
if there is anything in that purse that is worth getting hurt or killed over, she should have been protecting it better.

You are WRONG! Sorry, pal. But I should be able to leave the most worthless piece of shit out in the open without fear of some fucko trying to steal it. You're almost siding with the criminal here....

I liken this to the argument of, "Well, if that dame weren't wearing such provocative clothing, I wouldn't have raped her."

Savy? :no:


Molon Labe!
Oct 16, 2008
Western, PA
In college, for about 1.2 days, I worked for an Eddie Bauer store and their policy was to not even ASK people if they had stolen something. You were to just let it go entirely.

Pussies. I hated that place and quit right away. I hate their clothes anyway.

Brad Bishop

Dec 3, 2008
These problems can be summed up with one word:

The lawyers/courts create the ridiculous environment where if you're a business you have to tell your employees, "Hey, if someone is stealing, just let them go..." because if that same employee were hurt trying to stop the crime the business, not the criminal, would be held responsible in a civil suit. That's where the problem is - they don't hold the actual criminal responsible.

So, as a business, you want to set an example by punishing good employees doing the right thing so that you won't be dragged through the courts if something bad happens. It's crazy backwards but that's pretty much how our legal system operates today.

Common sense is lost or any sense of right-or-wrong is lost in court. Mostly it's about theft (taking from the rich (business) and giving to the poor (employee)) without regard for who actually started the nonsense (the criminal).

Think about this: with our current legal system you wouldn't want to stop a criminal from stealing from your house because if he got hurt in the middle of it all then he could sue you (your renters/homeowner's policy). You are better off helping him load his truck (less expensive than a lawsuit). He's better off stubbing his toe rather than taking your TV.

The courts (and govt in general) are out of control.
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Oct 19, 2008
Toledo, Ohio
These problems can be summed up with one word:

The lawyers/courts create the ridiculous environment where if you're a business you have to tell your employees, "Hey, if someone is stealing, just let them go..." because if that same employee were hurt trying to stop the crime the business, not the criminal, would be held responsible in a civil suit. That's where the problem is - they don't hold the actual criminal responsible.

So, as a business, you want to set an example by punishing good employees doing the right thing so that you won't be dragged through the courts if something bad happens. It's crazy backwards but that's pretty much how our legal system operates today.

Common sense is lost or any sense of right-or-wrong is lost in court. Mostly it's about theft (taking from the rich (business) and giving to the poor (employee)) without regard for who actually started the nonsense (the criminal).

Think about this: with our current legal system you wouldn't want to stop a criminal from stealing from your house because if he got hurt in the middle of it all then he could sue you (your renters/homeowner's policy). You are better off helping him load his truck (less expensive than a lawsuit). He's better off stubbing his toe rather than taking your TV.

The courts (and govt in general) are out of control.

Amen. Add the insurance companies in with the lawyers. They suck just as hard, and tell retailers not to interfere.


Oct 19, 2008
Toledo, Ohio
Huh? :confused:

The only reason the company has the policy is so employees won't sue them when they get shot.

Some other store needs to hire this guy ASAP. He's an instant free marketing campaign.

It's so that the employees won't sue, so the criminals won't sue, so the greedy bastard in the parking lot that was traumatized by seeing such a terrible thing won't sue, so they won't get bad press by taking vigilante actions, and so they can keep their insurance rates lower because the insurance company would rather raise their rates because of loss control issues instead of paying out because some a-hole got a skinned knee in the parking lot. It's all BS.

I used to work at Service Merchandise way back in the day, and our instructions were that if we saw someone we thought was stealing, we were only allowed to ask if they needed help with anything, and then follow them around the store at a safe distance. If they left the store, we were not allowed to go outside, and if they left the property we were supposed to tell the manager who would then call the cops. What a smoking load.