Stiletto WiFi Premium Oddity


#1 by Women 18-24
Staff member
Oct 9, 2008
Bangor, ME USA
I'm still working with the customer on his problem. It seems a LOT of people do not have access to Premium even though they have Premium and it's linked to their SL2.


New Member
Jun 30, 2009
Southern CA
Hopefully people that have SIR Premium and a Stiletto can provide feedback.

As it sits I have a customer with a Stiletto 2 and they have bought SIR Premium so they can get better WiFi streaming quality. They activated the service, and it isn't Premium. We had Sirius 'fix' the Premium tag on the account, same problem. We switched out the Stiletto 2, same problem.

I contacted Sirius myself today. Supposedly we all get premium streaming now with our Stiletto units on WiFi and we don't need to pay any extra (due to the changing of the way streaming is done a few months ago). It no longer shows Premium on the bottom of the screen either supposedly.

Has anyone noticed if this is true? I don't use WiFi streaming a lot (since my radio is either in the car or the home dock), but there are also some better-eared individuals who know where to look for the difference between 32 and 128kbit streaming. I also don't have SIR Premium on my account.

Thanks in advance.
Hi, I have had an extensive look into what I call a shame to this misrepresentation! I bought a unit for this "premium Wi-fi" feature and after 40 plus hours discussing the same problem with Sirius, my only conclusion is it must be a firmware issue. I have disscussed this with countless "Knowledgeable Customer Relations people and when I dug deep, am told it never was designed for that yet even though I have seen snapshots of some that say "Premium" instead of internet. I worte the CEO hinting class action but of course no response. I also pay the premium $3 fee but unlike my yamaha receiver which has a log in, the Stiletto 2 does not. There statement of no longer needing to pay is also a crock as marketing doesn't spell out the truth and they to should be tagged on this. They merely ommited the free internet from future subscription so unless you pay $3, you receive satelitte ONLY.
Am all ears for any ideas but feel no one has reach technical people who either care or understand this ommitance.....


#1 by Women 18-24
Staff member
Oct 9, 2008
Bangor, ME USA
I have a follow up for this now. Please take the time to read it and we'll see how many people are affected and how many I can help.

First and foremost, you MUST have the 3$ Premium WIFI feature added to your radio in order to get Premium. Period. It doesn't matter what kind of account you have.

Second, as far as I can tell people who signed up after the free streaming went away should have the free 32kbit WiFi streaming. If you do not, please provide the information below to the e-mail address provided and I will look into it.


If you have Premium and it is attached to your Stiletto SID (This is very important) and your firmware is current but still cannot get Premium on your WiFi feature in your Stiletto, please e-mail Droo(at) with your Sirius SID, Stiletto Model (2 or 100), Account Number, your name, a callback number, and the problem you're experiencing.

I did manage to get our customer taken care of and apparently it has to do with a problem in the database that handles these sorts of things. I have a contact over at Sirius that is very helpful with the problem and now that we took care of one person, my hopes are that we can help the others.

Please note if you do not pay for the 3$ Premium or you do not have your premium streaming account attached to your Stiletto (it'll still work online, at the same time even if you do attach it), you should try that first. If you have multiple receivers on the account your premium streaming may not be attached to the right receiver's streaming account.

When in doubt, contact Sirius at 888-539-7474 and find out if it's attached properly before contacting me. You can also check online at . I believe it shows the streaming login name attached to the SID of the radio and then it should say it's Premium service.

Thanks in advance.


New Member
Jul 10, 2009
I am a new user, since July 2nd. After reading this I went to my account at Sirius and add "Premium Internet" started up the radio and the "Premium Internet" appeared. No problems, no hassles. ;) Whew.............!!