I've finally come to my own realization of why I enjoy Ellismate so much more now over Stern.
Here goes...
It's about 1523 for me right now. Ellismate has been on for 10 minutes or so.
In those few minutes, Ellis is giving a very inspirational diatribe on how to achieve your dreams and become something with your life.
If you really listen, it makes A LOT of sense - it's amazing. And I'm not just saying this because I'm a fan but have read many an inspirational speech and lots about postive mental attitudes and how to really make every day count.
It's fantastic stuff.... and I think I'm just not getting this from THSS anymore, if I ever did. :idunno:
Hopefully someone will throw me a bone and understand what I'm saying.
Here goes...
It's about 1523 for me right now. Ellismate has been on for 10 minutes or so.
In those few minutes, Ellis is giving a very inspirational diatribe on how to achieve your dreams and become something with your life.
If you really listen, it makes A LOT of sense - it's amazing. And I'm not just saying this because I'm a fan but have read many an inspirational speech and lots about postive mental attitudes and how to really make every day count.
It's fantastic stuff.... and I think I'm just not getting this from THSS anymore, if I ever did. :idunno:
Hopefully someone will throw me a bone and understand what I'm saying.