Steelers Visit To White House: Harrison


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008

Mr. Harrison isn't going to Washington; Steeler spurns Obama

By Chris Chase

On Thursday, President Obama will welcome the Pittsburgh Steelers to the White House to honor the team for its recent Super Bowl victory. But, just like in 2006 when the Steelers had a post-title meeting with George W. Bush, defensive MVP (and Super Bowl hero) James Harrison won't be in attendance. But he has a good reason:

"This is how I feel -- if you want to see the Pittsburgh Steelers, invite us when we don't win the Super Bowl. As far as I'm concerned, he [Obama] would've invited Arizona if they had won."

Usually, when a sentence begins with "as far as I'm concerned," it ends with an opinion, not an incontrovertible fact. Harrison's comment is akin to saying, "As far as I'm concerned, George Washington was the first president."

Of course the Cards would have received the White House invite if they had won. Winners get to go meet the president, losers don't. They also get the trophy, the parade and those hats that say "Super Bowl champs". I don't think James Harrison(notes) turned down any of those things, which makes his refusal to go to the White House a tad hypocritical.

When Harrison won the NFL's Defensive Player of the Year award, he didn't decline and say, "As far as he was concerned, they would've given this award to someone else if they had had a better defensive season." And when he scored that touchdown in the Super Bowl after returning an interception 100 yards, I'm pretty sure Harrison didn't tell the ref to take the points of the board because, as far as he was concerned, if Larry Fitzgerald(notes) had caught him, he wouldn't have scored.

As far as I'm concerned, James Harrison is sort of a fool. If he doesn't want to go to the White House, fine. (Although I can't imagine why anybody wouldn't want to meet the President of the United States.) But don't make a lame excuse in an attempt to justify your decision. Leave that for NFL refeeres.


Oct 13, 2008
Personally I think he reserves that right to be able to skip the meeting with Barack O. The question is, WHY??? Even if your political view differs from his or you don't agree with what he is doing, why would you skip a TEAM function like that??? Especially honoring you as world champs? Believe me, I bet if some players did that while Bush was in office, this would have been a bigger deal than this is.