After reading the info contained on this forum I got a little upset :bigahh: and made a call to Sirius. Thank you
to those that took the time to post with their results. I am copying this from my post on avs forums.
I extended my subscription for 12 months on 3-11. I normally use yahoo widgets but have tried the online player to confirm if I was receiving the 128k stream. Still receiving the 32k stream.
Long story short, after 45 minutes(actually quick because it has taken me 30 mins to get a heartbeat on the phone) I have talked to three people and received the following info:
1. We have having issues with the stream. Since Sirius's website gives you the ability to upgrade to 128k, I asked for a credit to upgrade. I was put on hold so the CSR could check on that. After being put on hold, I never spoke to him again as CSR #2 picked up having no idea what was going on.
2. Your account was locked in before the 128k stream was standard. You will have to pay $2.99 plus tax for the 128K stream. I immediately asked for a supervisor. I didn't let him put me on hold since I didn't want to start over with another CSR.
3. The "floor supervisor" came online and stated that Sirius is having technical issues converting existing members to the 128k stream. He stated that there is not an estimated time that Sirius knows when existing customer will receive the 128k stream. I exclaimed that felt like I had been used in a bait and switch because I was told I would receive the 128k stream if I locked in my commitment for at least a year. After a back and forth, I asked to speak to his supervisor. I was told that he doesn't have a supervisor working at that time and that he was it. I was welcome to write a letter to corporate. I was told several times that I would not receive the upgraded signal until they worked out the issues.
I asked if I could receive a credit for the 128k stream and if credited I would then sign up for the 128k feed. DENIED. After some more back and forth, I asked for a one month credit so Sirius could fix their issues. I was put on hold after the "Supervisor" promised not to hang up on me. He came back and charged me $1.88 for the premium service and gave me a $2 credit. He stated that I would need to call back and cancel the premium service on 4-24. I asked for more credit since the 30 day amount is supposed to be $2.99 and figured that I would be charged more at a later time. He then credited me for another $3.08.
At that point, he stated that he was given a date of 4-28-09 that Sirius believes that this issue will be resolved and that hopefully all online listeners will be receiving the 128k feed. I didn't have to change the player, just click on the premium feed button on the player. The quality is noticeable.
I hope that all that falls into the same category as mine calls Sirius and pushes the issue as I did. I clearly didn't quote everything that was said during the conversation but I did have to push the issue.
It is pathetic that on one phonecall, I was given so many different answers. In regards to my yahoo widget, it is currently working at 32k while the Sirius stream is at 128k.
I will post a copy of my account below showing what was done to my account. Good luck to anyone trying to fix their situation.
Bill Number Service Description Amount Tax Bill Due Date Balance
3/24/09 Event Adjustment -2.70 -0.38 49.08
3/24/09 Event for Account Adjustment -2.00 0.00 52.16
3/24/09 Sirius Internet Radio HIGHBANDWIDTH 0.00 0.00 3/24/09 54.16
3/24/09 Sirius Internet Radio Plus 1.64 0.24 3/24/09 54.16

I extended my subscription for 12 months on 3-11. I normally use yahoo widgets but have tried the online player to confirm if I was receiving the 128k stream. Still receiving the 32k stream.
Long story short, after 45 minutes(actually quick because it has taken me 30 mins to get a heartbeat on the phone) I have talked to three people and received the following info:
1. We have having issues with the stream. Since Sirius's website gives you the ability to upgrade to 128k, I asked for a credit to upgrade. I was put on hold so the CSR could check on that. After being put on hold, I never spoke to him again as CSR #2 picked up having no idea what was going on.
2. Your account was locked in before the 128k stream was standard. You will have to pay $2.99 plus tax for the 128K stream. I immediately asked for a supervisor. I didn't let him put me on hold since I didn't want to start over with another CSR.
3. The "floor supervisor" came online and stated that Sirius is having technical issues converting existing members to the 128k stream. He stated that there is not an estimated time that Sirius knows when existing customer will receive the 128k stream. I exclaimed that felt like I had been used in a bait and switch because I was told I would receive the 128k stream if I locked in my commitment for at least a year. After a back and forth, I asked to speak to his supervisor. I was told that he doesn't have a supervisor working at that time and that he was it. I was welcome to write a letter to corporate. I was told several times that I would not receive the upgraded signal until they worked out the issues.
I asked if I could receive a credit for the 128k stream and if credited I would then sign up for the 128k feed. DENIED. After some more back and forth, I asked for a one month credit so Sirius could fix their issues. I was put on hold after the "Supervisor" promised not to hang up on me. He came back and charged me $1.88 for the premium service and gave me a $2 credit. He stated that I would need to call back and cancel the premium service on 4-24. I asked for more credit since the 30 day amount is supposed to be $2.99 and figured that I would be charged more at a later time. He then credited me for another $3.08.
At that point, he stated that he was given a date of 4-28-09 that Sirius believes that this issue will be resolved and that hopefully all online listeners will be receiving the 128k feed. I didn't have to change the player, just click on the premium feed button on the player. The quality is noticeable.
I hope that all that falls into the same category as mine calls Sirius and pushes the issue as I did. I clearly didn't quote everything that was said during the conversation but I did have to push the issue.
It is pathetic that on one phonecall, I was given so many different answers. In regards to my yahoo widget, it is currently working at 32k while the Sirius stream is at 128k.
I will post a copy of my account below showing what was done to my account. Good luck to anyone trying to fix their situation.
Bill Number Service Description Amount Tax Bill Due Date Balance
3/24/09 Event Adjustment -2.70 -0.38 49.08
3/24/09 Event for Account Adjustment -2.00 0.00 52.16
3/24/09 Sirius Internet Radio HIGHBANDWIDTH 0.00 0.00 3/24/09 54.16
3/24/09 Sirius Internet Radio Plus 1.64 0.24 3/24/09 54.16