The thread on SFN that had the pics was taken down. What a bunch of bullshit.
Some guy reported the pictures to Mutt and he had the thread taken down. Pussies. The pics were lame too. Nothing interesting.
That poor bastard is going to get the Mutt treatment on air. :hhh:Unfortunately, the Sirius worker who posted the pics, Matt Nicosia, seems to have hidden the photo album or deleted the pics altogether. Damn! There were only a few that were interesting; Sal's shirt was unbuttoned exposing his bare front for some reason; in another pic a guy who was not Sal looked like he was groping Christine Governale; Howard with a microphone; JD and others singing karaoke; Howard hovering around a bunch of guys who seemed to be playing a game or something; drunk Ronnie sitting at a table with some shot glasses.
Forgot the name of the restaurant -- it was something like "Lair" but spelled differently. It was a common word spelled differently.
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I can't believe you didn't download them... FAIL!
I mean, they weren't particularly revealing.
Mutt's on the payroll. He's going to act like the obedient dog staying true to his nickname.
It doesn't matter if they were revealing or not, if King Howard says take 'em down, guess what's going to happen?
It wouldn't be such a big deal if he wasn't all "NO more censorship!" etcetera, etcetera.
Either way, I still don't care.
mutt's still scared sh*tless of howards wrath ever since he posted those pics from bubba's wedding on SFN a couple years ago. ever since then, howard's always been dismissive towards mutt. and its obvious, mutt would do anything he could to be any part of the howard universe. which explains why he panders to the likes of ETM, joey bootz, HPE, and maryanne from brooklyn as if they are important only cuz they post on his message forum.