I think it's better than Pop2k, because 2k seems more focused on the newer stuff, with the older stuff coming on every once in a while. Hits of the 2000s seems pretty balanced.
I agree I find it much more balanced that Pop2K in terms of keeping it even between currents and older stuff in the decade.
meh. My least favorite decade. Can't really get into it. Maybe I'm getting old.

This is about the time I quit listening to the radio.
Nah, age ain't got anything to do with it, you either like this kind of music or you don't. I am in my very late 40's and I LOVE IT! It puts a dance in my step.
This channel is programmed by Parker, who is also the Programmer and DJ on Today's Hits. She also does the Teen Pop channel. I think she does an excellent job.
There are differences between Today's Hits and The Hits of 2000 in that mainly what you get on Today's Hits is currents with a few backwards passes, but not many. Hits of the 2000s pulls music from the whole decade and while it does have some currents it not real bad.