Actually October 2001 for XM and one year later October 2002 for Sirius. Sirius actually did a regional roll out in 4 markets in Feb 2002, but didn't start the national service until July 2002.
I actually had to think about all this to remember, seems like its been 11 years, but will be 9 years in Oct. Doesn't change the point of my original message!
You guys happy now! LOL
Just another tidbit for Sirius: The very first launch was supposed to be Dec 2000, then March, then December 2001 and finally the regional roll out in Feb 2002 with the national launch in July 2002. Ahh the memories! Many of you young whipper snappers didn't follow sat radio back then.
It will actually be eight years in October, not nine. I didn't want to spend the money on sirius back then, but I used to listen online when they did free streaming when they first went live back in 2002.