I never posted on a Forum until Sirius Backstage. It was the first place I had made online friends. It was early 2005 and the Satellite Radio World was just waking up. I had gotten on AIM to IM with DAB, MM, PerryinLA, SISO and more.
I remember that if any info came out Backstage had it. It was like hearing all the buzz in the Satellite Radio World. Now that buzz has grown so much it can't even be contained in one place. Orbitcast was the fresh new blog, and GetSiriusInfo was the tabloid like fun blog about Sirius. It was a time when TulaneJeff was slinging gear left and right and even SIRIUS didn't think they had a business in selling radios, accessories and shirts. The fun stuff was left to us Cult like followers online.
Of course we had to fight off the evil XM Empire which was far larger at the time. Things changed and progressed. Mel K became CEO, Stern came on the air. It started to become mainstream overnight. Backstage grew with leaps and bounds helping out all the many people with questions about hardware and installs.
Backstage is what built up my business (TSS-Radio). It's what built the core group of people here. The momentum that SIRIUS started way back when continues to spread on and on.
Good Times.
I remember that if any info came out Backstage had it. It was like hearing all the buzz in the Satellite Radio World. Now that buzz has grown so much it can't even be contained in one place. Orbitcast was the fresh new blog, and GetSiriusInfo was the tabloid like fun blog about Sirius. It was a time when TulaneJeff was slinging gear left and right and even SIRIUS didn't think they had a business in selling radios, accessories and shirts. The fun stuff was left to us Cult like followers online.
Of course we had to fight off the evil XM Empire which was far larger at the time. Things changed and progressed. Mel K became CEO, Stern came on the air. It started to become mainstream overnight. Backstage grew with leaps and bounds helping out all the many people with questions about hardware and installs.
Backstage is what built up my business (TSS-Radio). It's what built the core group of people here. The momentum that SIRIUS started way back when continues to spread on and on.
Good Times.