Hey Rich,
Does Fototime have a limit of how many times a picture can be viewed in a day? I like photobucket.com and I never have any problems over there.
Not really Fototime has a large limit on bandwidth usage. I have videos and a lot of albums that I use for work and have never exceeded my limits. I do pay $23 per year for the service. I also use Photobucket for free, but the need high resolution pics for work.
FotoTime Terms and Conditions:
Bandwidth Policy
FotoTime monitors the bandwidth used by each account on a monthly basis. Basic accounts are limited to 2000 MB of transfers each month before corrective actions are taken. Subscriber accounts are allowed 20GB of transfers (or five times the amount of disk space purchased) each month before corrective actions are taken. The following shows the bandwidth limits each type of account receives, and what happens when your account goes over the limits.
Basic Accounts
* Basic accounts get 2000 MB of bandwidth each month.
* Once the 2000 MB limit is exceeded, videos are no longer displayed.
* Bandwidth usage automatically resets to zero at the beginning of each month.
Subscriber Accounts
* Subscriber accounts get 20GB of monthly transfers, or five times the amount of storage space purchased.
* The amount of bandwidth you get is based upon the amount of storage you purchase. If you purchase an additional 4GB storage block, you will get an additional 20GB of monthly bandwidth.
* Once the 20GB limit is exceeded, pictures shown on 3rd party web sites are downsized to a 640x480 resolution.
* Once the 20GB limit is exceeded, FotoTime will no longer allow you or your guests to view videos.
* If the the account exceeds 40GB of transfers for the month, pictures shown on 3rd party web sites are downsized to thumbnails.
* Bandwidth usage automatically resets to zero at the beginning of each month.