I have a hard time even posting on forums, because it is so easy for people to have a hollier than thou attitude which is a byproduct of hiding behind a protective screen. And moderators (in general), I think, seem to like having this sense of power when it comes to getting the last word and then preventing someone from responding. If my post was so completely horrible--and it wasn't, I was just being a smartass--then why wasn't it just deleted outright?
Having said that, I appreciate the nice responses and again, maybe I shouldn't have acted like a jerk. I'm usually well-spoken and not the type to act petty online, but admittedly I was frustrated. No hard feelings, I hope. And yes, it's refreshing to have found the song, but now the problem is finding the actual remix I heard. I'm trying to remember how markedly different it was from the studio version--maybe it wasn't? It already seems like ages ago. Still, glad to know I found it. The DJ's and so forth weren't very helpful. Here's to hoping they rebroadcast that particular SNSD. It was a good one.