I heard the call live, and my thought was that Roberto sounded a lot like the people here. Ready to count up Howard's money and spend it how *they* want - the problem being that each of them would spend it a different way.
So yes, you can't make everyone happy - and those people that aren't, why can't they stop listening?
I don't care what Howard gets paid - I don't care what Artie gets paid. I don't think the show was better during the Jackie era, and I'm perfectly happy with Howard having a wedding, and a girlfriend, and a dog. I don't like the endless Jack & Rod bits. I don't like the Antonio what-his-name the Intern-for-a-day football player calls that I've been having to hear over and over.
But I don't ever feel the need to go on and on about it, and would never bother to call Howard about it. He doesn't owe anyone anything - if you aren't happy with what he does with his money, stop listening, or cancel your sub. I'll take the evolving, ever-changing, supposedly wussiefied Howard over the (already mentioned) Bob & Tom types that are doing the exact same things they've done forever.
:soapbox: finished