Roberto's call to Howard


Nov 12, 2008
Kent, Ohio
Was that Roberto on the Wrap-Up show just now? I tuned over and heard an argument about Bubba and it sounded like him, but then Gary hung up on him.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2008
Chi-Town (South Side)
Was that Roberto on the Wrap-Up show just now? I tuned over and heard an argument about Bubba and it sounded like him, but then Gary hung up on him.

dammit, I missed this call. I did hear him on the WUS tho. and he's been on there a couple of other times. but even tho this guy seems to make logical points, neither john, gary , or anyone else want to touch this topic with a 10 foot pole it seems.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2008
Baltimore Md
dammit, I missed this call. I did hear him on the WUS tho. and he's been on there a couple of other times. but even tho this guy seems to make logical points, neither john, gary , or anyone else want to touch this topic with a 10 foot pole it seems.
To quote Gary"it is what it is",Or"i think your in the minority on this one".:lolsign:


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
It's EMBARRASSING how some of you hear things that just don't exist!

""You've done nothing but attack me." I thought the guy was as polite as possible. Sounds like Howard couldn't take the heat. "

I heard Stern say that to a caller named Howard Stern also a while back. You think he couldn't take what a soundboard could throw at him or do you think it was said cause the GUY WOULDN'T SHUT THE HELL UP. As soon as anyone started talking this guy was a million miles an hour talking over people..


Oct 20, 2008
Atleast Howard admitted that he doesn't care if people listen and that he doesn't do anything, and that he deserves more money.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
He does deserve more money. Why? You'll see in 2.2 years from now when NO MONEY can buy half the show this guy puts on.

People will wake up to no stern and be very sad.


Oct 13, 2008
Hey Now

I heard the call live this morning, IMO Howard was a bit thin skinned. Ragged on the guy because he drives a cab.

He actually had artie questioning his compensation from Siri.


Active Member
Oct 14, 2008
I heard him on the Wrap Up show. He is definitely typical of callers only in the way that he loves his own voice and can't shut the fuck up! But what are you going to do? The point is valid. It's kind of hard to dismiss Artie after you build him up. And let's face it....since the show came to Sirius, it's more about Artie than Howard! The seatfiller era was the fucking pits and if Howard were thinking about seriously attempting that while on Sirius, there is no way he would keep all subscribers. I would rather they didn't replace him. This is a leap but to hear Gary talk about it so casually, we don't NEED Artie.


Power Pig, Hello!
Oct 12, 2008
I heard the call live, and my thought was that Roberto sounded a lot like the people here. Ready to count up Howard's money and spend it how *they* want - the problem being that each of them would spend it a different way.

So yes, you can't make everyone happy - and those people that aren't, why can't they stop listening?

I don't care what Howard gets paid - I don't care what Artie gets paid. I don't think the show was better during the Jackie era, and I'm perfectly happy with Howard having a wedding, and a girlfriend, and a dog. I don't like the endless Jack & Rod bits. I don't like the Antonio what-his-name the Intern-for-a-day football player calls that I've been having to hear over and over.

But I don't ever feel the need to go on and on about it, and would never bother to call Howard about it. He doesn't owe anyone anything - if you aren't happy with what he does with his money, stop listening, or cancel your sub. I'll take the evolving, ever-changing, supposedly wussiefied Howard over the (already mentioned) Bob & Tom types that are doing the exact same things they've done forever.

:soapbox: finished :)


Oct 14, 2008
I heard the call live, and my thought was that Roberto sounded a lot like the people here. Ready to count up Howard's money and spend it how *they* want - the problem being that each of them would spend it a different way.

So yes, you can't make everyone happy - and those people that aren't, why can't they stop listening?

I don't care what Howard gets paid - I don't care what Artie gets paid. I don't think the show was better during the Jackie era, and I'm perfectly happy with Howard having a wedding, and a girlfriend, and a dog. I don't like the endless Jack & Rod bits. I don't like the Antonio what-his-name the Intern-for-a-day football player calls that I've been having to hear over and over.

But I don't ever feel the need to go on and on about it, and would never bother to call Howard about it. He doesn't owe anyone anything - if you aren't happy with what he does with his money, stop listening, or cancel your sub. I'll take the evolving, ever-changing, supposedly wussiefied Howard over the (already mentioned) Bob & Tom types that are doing the exact same things they've done forever.

:soapbox: finished :)

Thanks dude. Couldn't have said it better myself (well, without getting banned, anyway :eek:). :bow:


Oct 20, 2008
He does deserve more money. Why? You'll see in 2.2 years from now when NO MONEY can buy half the show this guy puts on.

People will wake up to no stern and be very sad.

I think Howard would stay for another 100 mil a year


Dec 3, 2008
It was a good call, just busting chops. Even though he was repeating himself and wouldn't STFU, he almost got Artie to admit he felt underpaid.

But that shouldn't surprise anyone, the show has always been about side jobs for everyone but Robin - all it took was a mercedes to get her to back out of that talk show deal.


Molon Labe!
Oct 16, 2008
Western, PA
I thought the guy had a good call but he was on for a long time. I was surprised Howard let him get as far as he did.

The guy did nothing but question Howard's judgement and then basically blame Howard for not having Bubba signed, not having his staff make more money, etc.

Did he make good points? Yes.

If I were a show host would I have hung up on him? yes.

He was really going behind the scenes that may not be interesting to a lot of people.


Last non-Hating Stern Fan
Oct 11, 2008
I guess its a testament to how good the show is that people get so wrapped up in minutia that half the time is just in their heads. I can see it two ways: Sirius doesn't pay Artie enough so he has to work side gigs to make up the difference OR Artie can't pass up the extra money he could make on the side while he is hot and is piling that on top of what Sirius pays him.

I've never found myself wondering about the salaries of the TV actors I watch, do you guys?