Anyone besides me old enough to remember this stuff from around 1982/1983? This show meant a lot to me then because cable still hadn't made it to my city yet, so no MTV for me. Ooops - meant to say that Blade still pretty much sounds the same to me.
[ame=]YouTube - MV3 Top 10 Albums with Richard Blade[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - MV3 Bangles Interview 1983[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - MV3 Extended Introduction Sequence 1983[/ame]
(hang in til 2:00 mark)
And Bonus Oingo Boingo appearance!
[ame=]YouTube - Oingo Boingo on MV3 - Nothing to Fear & Grey Matter (Live)[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - MV3 Top 10 Albums with Richard Blade[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - MV3 Bangles Interview 1983[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - MV3 Extended Introduction Sequence 1983[/ame]
(hang in til 2:00 mark)
And Bonus Oingo Boingo appearance!
[ame=]YouTube - Oingo Boingo on MV3 - Nothing to Fear & Grey Matter (Live)[/ame]