Jabberwocky show on Radio Times
I am trying to find out info for a show called Jabberwocky which was on radio times at 6am Pacific time last Saturday. It is not classic radio, but the host is kind of a comic. It reminds me of Dr. Don Rose without the sound effects and it is not a DJ program. It is one hour of humorous news with a lot of breaks. I called Sirius and they can not tell me. I called them repeatedly. The information has not been updated to the website.
I wanted to make this a new thread, but I can't even start a new thread. I don't have permission. The host's name is Preston, but I am not sure of the spelling of the last name. If you know when this show is one and rebroadcast please post this information. I don't why they refuse to update the website. The disco channel is coming back, but when you go to the website, that is not even posted. Can't a few geeks work for free keep them updated? It just looks bad to never update the website.
Maybe Dr. Don Rose is old enough to be classic radio or maybe they should stick it on the comedy channel.