Any predictions as to what the Stern crew has been up to over the holidays? My guesses:
- Stern: locked himself in at some resort while Beth did things on her own outside.
- Robin: Picked up some new hobby she'll drop in about 3 weeks.
- Fred: Stayed home and raised his family.
- Benji: Dreaming up fake stories to tell about himself in '09.
- Artie: Spent entire holidays high on a combo of food, drugs, and booze.
- Stern: locked himself in at some resort while Beth did things on her own outside.
- Robin: Picked up some new hobby she'll drop in about 3 weeks.
- Fred: Stayed home and raised his family.
- Benji: Dreaming up fake stories to tell about himself in '09.
- Artie: Spent entire holidays high on a combo of food, drugs, and booze.