For any of you who have actually been, is this place as good as Howard and crew make it out to be? I had never even heard of the place before listening to the show. Nobu gets more mentions than a lot of the paid sponsors.
Nobu gets more mentions than a lot of the paid sponsors.
LOL Why do you think that is?
Speaking of sponsors, did you hear the tape of the English contestant in the I Want to Be Howard Stern Contest? Very funny bit on what the sponsors tell you about the perception of Howard's listeners... bankrupts, cheaters, tax debtors, get rich quick dupes etc. Wish I could paraphrase it better...
LOL No doubt.
First, get up and have your morning Becks. Then collect your unwanted jewelery so Cash for Gold can give you half of its actual value. When the check comes, immediately call up Ashley Madison - the sponsor needed for those too stupid to "date" on their own.
What if you get an infection or rash from your high quality date? Why, just rub some Beeseuticals cream on it. Richie and Julie say it's the best! Just sit back and enjoy a Klondike bar while watching your sores shrink down to nothing! Good times!
I recall reading a post a few weeks ago from someone claiming that the shows sponsors were of a "higher caliber" lately:rofl2:
I recall reading a post a few weeks ago from someone claiming that the shows sponsors were of a "higher caliber" lately:rofl2:
Higher caliber? Higher than what - Nodora? Hahaha.....
Each morning as I exit the garage, I look toward my Harley..... there it stands, hanging its handlebars in shame, embarrassed by the crappy, fifth rate sponsors that it shares the satellite air with.
Well, say what you will, but Becks and Klondike are pretty ubiquitous products that have been around for a very long time - not some new or sleazy gimmick to separate you from your money like some of the male enhancement products.
I'll take them over the Ashley Madison commercials any day.
Higher caliber? Higher than what - Nodora? Hahaha.....
High Caliber as in, not sleazy, is what I had in mind. Becks and Klondike and Decent movies, tv shows and more are way more credible then Half the shit that advertise. Even stuff like Carbonite or Go2myPC are a bit better then Nodoro or Ashley Madison.
A Sponge to wash your car with. Howard selling.... sponges. :-(