Well so far this update has been rock solid. I probably shouldn't say anything like that because I will jinx myself. LOL
I am still seeing folks with the signing on issue, though it appears if you go to the G2 menu and select G2 Shut Down. Once the G2 restarts, you can then go back into connect and it should work just fine.
I am also seeing some folks that have had the issue I had which is where some channels will show that they are loading, but when you attempt to play them it says you must refresh. I know some of this has to do with folks not saying custom stations in the web player to the custom station category. But in my case all my stations were saved and it was also doing this on Slacker created stations.
Still some bugs and glitches here and there to deal with.
In terms of features, I think we've probably come pretty close to reaching a plateau where they aren't likely to add much more. I think all additional ideas will be saved for the G2 replacement, whenever that might be.