If your JVC head unit can control your sat radio, you might want to put the Stiletto in one of the storage compartments.
I have been moving a Sirius plug and play receiver between two cars - one is a 2005 CR-V. Both cars are equipped with Kenwood receivers capable of controlling satellite radio. I am using the Sirius Doc1 and the Kenwood interface cable. In the '05 CRV there is a storage compartment in the center of the dash just below the vents. You can run cables into this compartment by removing the small plastic cover at the back of the compartment. There is a screw there which secures this part of the dash to the car and space around the mount to run the antenna and control cables into the compartment. I used the existing screw to secure the docking connector. If the Stiletto is too long, you might try the glove box. There are pins on either side of the glove box that can be removed for the glove box to drop down for access.
My Canadian CR-V factory radio came with an AUX button rather than a Sat button and it did not have the XM antenna on the roof. If you have these, you might want to consider controlling your satellite radio from the factory head unit. While you may lose features of your satellite radio with this set up, it will be a very clean install and your steering wheel controls may operate the satellite radio function.
For more ideas, try searching The Wired CR-V at hondasuv.com
There were several threads with pictures for this generation of CR-V which might be of interest.
Enjoy satellite radio in your CR-V!