If you are ready to jump ship then just do it. For me it was simple I really loved the style of the MBP, I liked the battery life, plus the really supper sharp crisp display. The aluminum case is really well designed and also part of the appeal for me. I think Apple used really good components in building the machine. However, with all that said the Highlight here is the OS. Leopard is great and Snow Leopard is even better. I am so shocked at the speed at which is boots, shuts down, goes to sleep and wakes up. Applications are freaking BAM and they are there. I also like Apple support in that they take care of their products after the sale. Mac's aren't impervious to bugs or other problems, but likely there will be a solution put out very quickly. The other thing of course is at this stage viruses, trojans etc are not a problem. I feel there will be a day if sales continue to climb but for now we don't have those worries.
I have found no new equipment like printers, scanners, etc that I plug in that it doesn't just automatically set it up. I just feel like I am ready to work always. The usability of the Mac GUI is fantastic and it makes my life easier and at the same time more fun. It has been a joy learning the Mac.
One other thing there are a lot of myths out there about Mac's. This last week at my staffing I took my MacBook Pro. Everyone was like FireFox, Thunderbird, Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Adobe Reader... Uh... I didn't know all that was worked on a Mac. It is amazing how many people and I was one of them that don't realize there are a lot of software developers now making programs for Mac and especially since they've gone Intel.
I love mine and to coin Jon's favorite phrase, which I told him he stole. Once you go Mac, you just can't go back! I still use my Lenovo Business PC daily and it just makes me appreciate my Mac Computers so much more. That isn't to say that anything is wrong with Windows. In fact I'd say Windows 7 is going to be a great OS when it is said and done. In fact I like it so much I am running it with Boot Camp and when I need Windows I might as well have the latest and best version to date.