Media Life Magazine - What the coming year holds for radio
Part of the Q&A session:
Can anyone tell me just what exactly they're trying to say?
Apparently people will flock to buy new cars because they can listen to internet radio in their car. Let's throw out the fact that the "Big Three" are in trouble, and no one is really buying new cars like they were four or five years ago.
But, we read on... "the car is not strong right now."
Does anyone see a little contradiction?
Furthermore, let's say that cities are building wifi connections. That's fine and all, but how will internet radio work if i'm driving from Oklahoma City to somewhere in Iowa? There's a LOT of empty land out that way. How could someone get internet radio in their car in the middle of bumblefuck America?
Part of the Q&A session:
Will Sirius/XM finally emerge as a viable challenger, or is it still struggling from the merger and the economy?
I think Sirius/XM will sink like the setting sun. And it has nothing to do with their programming, it’s about the platform.
First of all, the idea of having to provide this type of programming to a special appliance, a special radio, is not convenient or economically efficient. It can be done on the internet and people know it, it’s just a matter of when the internet is all over place, including in cars, which is happening rapidly.
Their major strength was the car, and the car is not strong right now. So their problems have only been multiplied and intensified.
Can anyone tell me just what exactly they're trying to say?
Apparently people will flock to buy new cars because they can listen to internet radio in their car. Let's throw out the fact that the "Big Three" are in trouble, and no one is really buying new cars like they were four or five years ago.
But, we read on... "the car is not strong right now."
Does anyone see a little contradiction?
Furthermore, let's say that cities are building wifi connections. That's fine and all, but how will internet radio work if i'm driving from Oklahoma City to somewhere in Iowa? There's a LOT of empty land out that way. How could someone get internet radio in their car in the middle of bumblefuck America?