Lute Olson steps down at Arizona


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
Houston, TX
I have no problem with the guy retiring at this point in his career. He's getting up there in age and he wants to spend time with his family. And he has a national championship (1997). So no regrets for Lute. But why do you step down just weeks before the season starts? Couldn't you have made this decision a little earlier so Arizona could have a chance at finding a replacement? I mean, you came back last year and basically ran the head coach in-waiting out of town (Kevin O'Neill). Now you've left Arizona with no exit strategy...they're stuck. Arizona is a great job, but no coach worth anything is going to pack up their bags right now and move to Tucson, not with the season about to get underway. Arizona might have to chalk this season up as a loss already.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
Rural Retreat, VA
The last 2 seasons for Arizona has been bizarre at best. Its a shame to see a coach leave in such a sloppy, disorganized way. On one hand, Arizona(the university, and players) owes him a lot, on the other, Arizona deserved better than him, especially for the last couple of years.