a good place for internet music

Bandit 5160

Oct 31, 2008
There are almost limitless musical choices here, though you have to pay to become a "VIP" to listen to some of them. I like this service, and I have found that a lot of the ITunes radio stations that I posted about earlier actually come from Live365.


"Not dead... just resting"

After nearly a year off-line, Internet broadcasting provider Live365 has returned. The pioneering on-line radio company has new management but the same mission—to build and power online radio for individuals, students and organizations. “We have new owners, a renewed passion for small web-casters and fierce dedication to come back stronger,” the company said on its website.

Media technology entrepreneur Jon Stephenson, who owns broadcast streaming and advertising firm EmpireStreaming, purchased Live365 and its assets at a bankruptcy auction for an undisclosed amount. Stephenson says he envisions bringing back smaller radio stations and bundling Live365 stations to produce scale with listeners and advertisers.

“If we’re able to rebuild Live 365 in some shape or form, then we have that branding and we can actually go compete with iHeart or Pandora. We can actually build a significant scale,” he told Billboard.

At the height of its popularity, Live365 carried more than 5,000 internet radio stations, many created by individuals. But a combination of media deregulation and last December’s new royalty rates ruling, which eliminated lower rates for small web-casters, dealt a fatal blow to the original Live365, causing the company to close down on Jan. 31, 2016.

“It was a sad day for internet radio and the many passionate programmers who poured their heart into their stations 24/7 and Live365,” the company said of its original closing. “The ‘new’ Live365 is more dedicated and passionate about giving small web-casters a voice and tools they need to succeed in internet radio.”

Inside Radio