Did anyone else see the piece on Jimmie Johnson on the pre race show? He's sittin in a Lowes tent and mouthed off to the camera about signing autographs for people wearing Home Depot shirts. What a jerk!
He should have refused to sign it and took his medicine if he was so offended by it, and not been a chicken***t behind the fans back!Can fans not have more than one favorite driver? Hell, should you not take the opportunity for an autograph just because of your attire? I understand the irony of the two stores, but big deal. He says he doesn't care what people think anymore, and he can afford not to.........NOW! I bet you if you go ask his brother, who has not made it yet, if he cares he would tell you something different. Just as JJ would have before he made it. Just another jerk that we made a gazillionaire! These guys are not gods, and until we stop treating them like they are, their egos will only get worse. I am not an autograph junky, but I don't blame people if they want one. And thats coming from a Jr fan!