JD would be perfect on...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
Houston, TX
...VH1's "The Pickup Artist". You guys seen this show? I caught it last night at a friend's, and it's actually a pretty fascinating human study. They take nerdy guys and teach them how to go into clubs and pick up girls. JD would fit right in...he'd be perfect.


Oct 14, 2008
...VH1's "The Pickup Artist". You guys seen this show? I caught it last night at a friend's, and it's actually a pretty fascinating human study. They take nerdy guys and teach them how to go into clubs and pick up girls. JD would fit right in...he'd be perfect.

I don't know, if Ryan Phillippe can't squeeze any game out of that marble mouthed man child, VH1 doesn't stand a chance. But it'd be funny watching them try. I did love JD's reaction to HPM yesterday:

"Ar arrr err Arrrm happee far him, Aarrrrm glaa he carn be happee arrnd farnd carndendmend.

Nahr Arr dun wannar go arrt arnd pirk arrrp guyrrrs wid you, dude!"

Such kind words. :yesshake:


Hey Now!
Oct 15, 2008
Frederick, MD
...VH1's "The Pickup Artist". You guys seen this show? I caught it last night at a friend's, and it's actually a pretty fascinating human study. They take nerdy guys and teach them how to go into clubs and pick up girls. JD would fit right in...he'd be perfect.

I watched the show. It's really ridiculous but interesting at the same time. There's no way JD could do it though. Not only would he fail and cause the hosts to slit their wrists, but every television with VH1 on at the time would start smoking and explode. JD would be THAT bad. :D