I Can't wait to hear Howard talk about this tommorrow ! Oh wait
I Can't wait to hear Howard talk about this tommorrow ! Oh wait
Don't you see? It was all a conspiracy! The move to satellite, taking Friday's off, avoiding the West Coast, it was all so Howard could enact revenge on Jay Leno for taking Stuttering John. He concluded Thursday's show, took a plane to Burbank, and secretly poisoned Leno! It all makes perfect sense now!!!
I Can't wait to hear Howard talk about this tommorrow ! Oh wait
Thank god Jay is ok. It turns out he just had the runs. I'm so glad he is ok,can't afford to lose jay he is such a nice guy.
Hey, why not apply for the role of stuttering john on Leno's 10pm show? John edges you on talent but you blow him away in sheer banality.
I mean who can top your sterling performances as prank caller 'Hank from Baltimore'? ...and now ladies and gentlemen, Don Imus!!!
Hey, why not apply for the role of stuttering john on Leno's 10pm show? John edges you on talent but you blow him away in sheer banality.
I mean who can top your sterling performances as prank caller 'Hank from Baltimore'? ...and now ladies and gentlemen, Don Imus!!!
So what? he'll talk about it Monday.
Rinse, lather, repeat. Predictable, repetitive and hypocritical indeed.
I Can't wait to hear Howard talk about this tommorrow ! Oh wait