May just be a leverage tool to jack his contract amount through fan outcry.
May just be a leverage tool to jack his contract amount through fan outcry.
I think so too, he's done this before.
Unfortunately though, I strongly doubt that Sirius/XM is going to pay him more than he's already making (or even keep him on at the current salary). I don't think they can afford it. Because of that, contract renegotiation will fail, and I think he'll leave.
I think we should all be glad he's here right now, and not think about him leaving.
I mean, where else would we get two week-plus old news from? Were we supposed to get all the Farrah and Michael Jackson news like everyone else - when it happened? No, sir. I'm going to wait for Howard to put his special spin on the situation, as only he can.
Poor Artie. Each time he went to the local liquor store, he had to listen to fans wondering what Howard was thinking about Michael Jackson passing. Hahaha...
Thank god Howard went into his story about his meeting with Michael Jackson again. He's only told it numerous times, and it was also in one of his shit books.
Imagine that meeting - Two rail thin, pasty white, surgically altered feminine men trying to do business. One is fixing his taped on nose, the other's eyes darting from side to side. Hahahaha...
Thank god Howard went into his story about his meeting with Michael Jackson again. He's only told it numerous times, and it was also in one of his shit books.
if he bounces, hopefully bubba becomes sirius exclusive and can start putting on good shows instead of the sh*tty one he's been doing the last few months.
Not all the current listeners are obsessed in-denial veterans like yourself
if he bounces, hopefully bubba becomes sirius exclusive and can start putting on good shows instead of the sh*tty one he's been doing the last few months.
Mel needs to get it through his thick fucking head that the be all end all is not in NY. There is a whole country out here. '