Hamptons Howie will remain silent for sure.
So you don't think he will mention it because he is so loyal to SIRIUS XMs decisions?
You might be right, I just want you to clarify it.
Does Meg live in the Hamptons? No.
Does she make near the money Howard rapes Sirius for? No.
Is she married to someone rich or famous? No.
Does she frequent Nobu? No.
A Klondike fan? Doubt it. Does anyone still eat that shit?
Based on the above information, she is insignificant to team Stern.
Besides, Meg is someone who actually cares about her job, the company that employs her, and the listeners. How foolish is that?
But hey, let's not bash the Klondikes. I admit, they talk about them so much that they got me jonesing for one....yet I never remember that constant plugging when I'm at the grocery store. Guess it ain't working well enough!
I won't consider buying them because they advertise on the show. If they're desperate enough to sell their crap on Sirius, they are probably not using top quality ingredients in their products. For instance, 100% milk now becomes 95% milk, 5% pus - that sort of thing.
She lost her channel, but she didn't lose her job, she is on Spectrum and who is to say that won't end up being her channel. Knowing Meg, she is going to push the limits on Spectrum to bring some kick ass music.
he should have made a stand and threatened to walk out unless she got her old job back. just like he did when she got booted from WXRK. In fact, that is what everyone should do when someone is let go at their company, otherwise you have no convictions.
Wait a minute. A channel on the SIRIUS side got eliminated ? ! :scratch:
(Writing this down)
Sirius lost (with no real XM replacement):
The Strobe (Bring back Disco/Classic Dance Station to SiriusXM Petition)
Boombox (not sure that XM even had anything like this and they suggest Alt Nation with is absurd!)
Sirius Disorder
Starlite (to say that the Blend is a substitute seems like a stretch).
Movin' EZ
Sirius Shuffle
Hot Jamz (The Heat plays pop...not the same format)