Every account? Lets not go overboard. Early in his tenure at NBC, Jay Leno basically let Helen Kushnick act like a raving tyrant treating all guests, publicists, etc. badly. She was notorius for threatening and blackballing people who dared appear on Letterman. While it may not have been Jay acting like this, his allowing it to happen reflects on him - (Those people who have an issue with Howard for passing the buck should also have a problem with Jay, since he often turned a blind or, or passed the buck to her.)
Jay also angered quite a few people during the writers strike. I believe he paid his people out of pocket, so I'm sure they like him. But the guys walking the picket lines who didn't quite luck into that position probably weren't that happy about it.
I miss the Jay Leno that used to appear on Letterman back in the 80s.
Leno himself was terrified of Kushnick (who was an overbearing ball-breaker) and didn't dare cross her. From what I've read, he didn't "let" her do anything; she was in total control of his career. He - as well as most of the TV industry - was relieved when she died.
As for the writers, I think you've actually got the story wrong; Leno DIDN'T pay his writers, like others were doing (Letterman, etc.). By NOT paying his writers, he was the only one respecting the writer's strike:
Joke's on Jay Leno staff - no pay
Unlike the other late-night hosts, he wrote his own jokes during the strike. I think he ended up reversing that position and did start paying his writers, but don't quote me on that.
Sorry we are talking about the Howard Stern show on a Howard Stern Board....
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