You guys do realize that if you're not walking side by side, you're performance will vary, right?
Hank has a cabin in the boonies of West Virginia? Boy, is that a piece of information I'm filing away for a rainy day.
"You shure got a purty mouth." :rofl2:
I know where Deliverance took place. And for the record, I went to UNC-Charlotte and my roommate was from WV, so I've got nothing bad to say about West Virginia. Though my roommate did say that in his hometown the definition of a virgin was "any girl that can outrun her brothers!!" (He really did say that)
Hey now! I'm from WV and still have family there. Its a beautiful state with some decent people. The bad thing about WV is the fact they don't have a lot of jobs and their are way to many racist people.
A native can say anything they want. However, outsiders be damned for saying anything bad.![]()
Yea ok..........
My dumb co-worker went and bought an iPhone even after I told her how much ATT sucked...
Now when she calls me on the way home from work, she drops the call 3 times at least!!! Sprint=Verzion>att>tmobile, at least in CT
You guys do realize that if you're not walking side by side, you're performance will vary, right?
Hey you guys do know that your all supposed to say AT&T sucks cause Howard says so don't you ?![]()
Hey you guys do know that your all supposed to say AT&T sucks cause Howard says so don't you ?![]()
He retracted it today. So what's up?
I probably would have bought a Bold or an IPhone if not for AT&T. That reception sucks nuts. I almost got a Storm last year but Verizon was like $50/month more than Sprint so I went with the Blackberry Curve/Sprint combo. No complaints except for I would prefer the Bold's keyboard.
Gotta love when rich people think the research something for sooooooooo long.....and it ends up sucking! haha
Not with all the chess playing and baby makin goin'd think that between ending the show @ 11 am, and having 4 day work weeks, he'd have plenty of time to get his phone research right the first time.
you'd think that between ending the show @ 11 am, and having 4 day work weeks, he'd have plenty of time to get his phone research right the first time.
I don't know if anyone posted this but Howard couldn't do anything with his phone because his service was cut off but the fact still remains that AT&T SUCKS.
I believe he said he was switching his number or carrier, something like that.why would AT&T randomly drop his service?