How to successfully (almost) block SIR channels from Stiletto


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
Ever since Sirius added the channels in the 800 range to the Stiletto, I've been annoyed that I've had to scroll past the Latin section due to the fact that the Viva channel was unblockable.

Add the new SIR channels that came today, and the Country category became unblockable as did several other categories.

I've since found this workaround.

If you have the extra presets, save the SIR channels to the preset menu. 801 has become C1. 809 has become C9 and so forth. (That's what I did, but YMMV.)

To block the SIR channels, you'll have to block the whole category. Yes, this involves going into "blocked channels" and then unblocking everything.

It takes a bit of work, but the end result is a much cleaner menu.

Edit -- Apparently Cinemagic (809) is not assigned to a category, or whatever, so it can't disappear from the "All Channels" menu, but since everything else does disappear, it makes for a little cleaner of a menu.
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