Heart and Soul PDT displaying one song for MANY hours!


Active Member
Oct 14, 2008
Who knows how long this has been going on but when I was flipping through the music stations around 4AM I noticed Mary J. Blige's "Love NO Limit" on display on Heart and Soul. And it was on there all morning....and then about 12 hours later it was still there....and it's nearly 12AM and it's still there. Different songs are playing, though. Not sure if they have DJs there or not but I haven't heard any!

Considering the legitmate concept of discriminating against black artists being behind the cancelations of both Backspin and the Strobe (which heavily plays African American artists as well), could Heart and Soul be on the chopping block next. The changes they made it it are awful. No more D-Train or Funk Fridays! Wow!


Active Member
Oct 14, 2008
Sorry to bump this up but nobody else noticed? I have to admit that while Heart and Soul is in my Top 10, I don't listen to it much because while I love R&B from the 80s and 90s which should get more play, the stuff from this deacade is a bit weak and it seems like the "new" channel, by getting rid of Funk Friday not to mention a great old school artist like D-Train is even more focused on just making it strictly Urban AC. I guess nothing wrong with that. better that than getting scrappedd, which I don't doubt might be coming....


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
Portland, Or
HAHA, I noticed that the other night too!! Saw Mary J on the display, tuned in for a few mintues, then changed the channel. Came back, and it was still mary J, thought at first it was a Mary J special hour or something. Then some husky voiced dude was singing, and I knew something was off.


Nov 18, 2008
it's not just this channel either, i have noticed the display 'sticking' on the heat and HHN too...