Hey. I am preparing to do a fresh install on my home XP soon. I do this fresh install once a year about this time. I just like to do it to clean the computer out. So it is scheduled maintenance for me. Pretty standard set up with firefox browser, and a hard wired router. As for internet explorer I will install what every the lowest version is they will allow me. I'm on 6 right now. Windows media player I am on 10 currently. My router is my firewall so I will have no firewall software installed. Just AVG anti virus. I'll be using my Slacker G2 of course with the web player. Along with other programs I will reinstall. Using carbonite as backup. Any suggestions Slacker related. Up to this point my experience has been flawless. I did notice another user "nerys" having issues since he did a fresh install on his web player not working. So I am a little nervous I may have the same problem. I have done fresh installs before so I'm not really worried about that.
I did have a few questions. In regards to the ICS used to connect the G2 to the internet to refresh. Has my experience been flawless in refreshing because of my hard wired router. As I understand it the router has it's own ip address. So is this why I have not had a conflict with the ICS, and how it works with not having the same ip address or whatever it is ? I ask because I used to have Mcafee firewall software. It was very easy to access my router settings. Now I don't have Mcafee so I have no clue how to access my router settings. Although I don't think the router settings will change on the fresh install unless I have to reset the router which hopefully I won't have to do, but I won't know for sure till the time comes. For all I know the default setting of the router address may work fine with the ICS refreshing. Not sure.
Another thing I have noticed with my current web player. My only minor complaint which I'm sure is my computer causing the issue. The tabs come, and go. For example at the top of the site you have customer support, store, etc. These tabs disappear, or come and go. Usually it is just one missing at a time. I can still click on them since I know they are there, but the tab or button is missing. Currently I have adblock plus as a firefox add on. I have disabled, and uninstalled it. getting the same results. I have current versions of Java, and Flash. I am on Firefox 3, and have never downgraded to 2 to see if that makes a difference. So just hoping this issue goes away after the fresh install process. I figure the cleaning of the refresh will just make the issue go away. It has been said FF 3 is not supported yet by Slacker. So I'm undecided if I should just install next time FF2. Think this would be safe from a security standpoint ? FF does not update 2 anymore.
What versions of IE, and media player do you think I should install ? I don't use them at all. Think it is cool to just go with the lowest version they will allow me to install ? Or are the current versions stable at this point ?
Looking at windows media player looks like I can easily download my choice of 9, 10, or version 11.
Internet explorer it appears version 6, 7, 8 are still available for download. I have service pack 3 currently. I guess I can download any of them. Not sure what I will decide on yet.
I'll probably keep 9 on WMP, but unsure about IE.
Anyhow I think that's it. Any comments, suggestions appreciated on non Slacker related stuff. Like accessing my Linksys hard wired router, or IE, WMP thoughts.
I did have a few questions. In regards to the ICS used to connect the G2 to the internet to refresh. Has my experience been flawless in refreshing because of my hard wired router. As I understand it the router has it's own ip address. So is this why I have not had a conflict with the ICS, and how it works with not having the same ip address or whatever it is ? I ask because I used to have Mcafee firewall software. It was very easy to access my router settings. Now I don't have Mcafee so I have no clue how to access my router settings. Although I don't think the router settings will change on the fresh install unless I have to reset the router which hopefully I won't have to do, but I won't know for sure till the time comes. For all I know the default setting of the router address may work fine with the ICS refreshing. Not sure.
Another thing I have noticed with my current web player. My only minor complaint which I'm sure is my computer causing the issue. The tabs come, and go. For example at the top of the site you have customer support, store, etc. These tabs disappear, or come and go. Usually it is just one missing at a time. I can still click on them since I know they are there, but the tab or button is missing. Currently I have adblock plus as a firefox add on. I have disabled, and uninstalled it. getting the same results. I have current versions of Java, and Flash. I am on Firefox 3, and have never downgraded to 2 to see if that makes a difference. So just hoping this issue goes away after the fresh install process. I figure the cleaning of the refresh will just make the issue go away. It has been said FF 3 is not supported yet by Slacker. So I'm undecided if I should just install next time FF2. Think this would be safe from a security standpoint ? FF does not update 2 anymore.
What versions of IE, and media player do you think I should install ? I don't use them at all. Think it is cool to just go with the lowest version they will allow me to install ? Or are the current versions stable at this point ?
Looking at windows media player looks like I can easily download my choice of 9, 10, or version 11.
Internet explorer it appears version 6, 7, 8 are still available for download. I have service pack 3 currently. I guess I can download any of them. Not sure what I will decide on yet.
I'll probably keep 9 on WMP, but unsure about IE.
Anyhow I think that's it. Any comments, suggestions appreciated on non Slacker related stuff. Like accessing my Linksys hard wired router, or IE, WMP thoughts.