Let's see. Since coming aboard, Mel lied to the FCC regarding his precious merger. Finally passing, the merger made Sirius XM a monopoly.....a failing monopoly, that is.
Mel also went back on his promise of no price increases (at last count, two times - so far).
As a result of his dishonesty, subscribers are canceling and stock price continues to remain in the toilet. Once the company's debt becomes due, what will they do? Borrow again? LOL
If he had any integrity, Mel would defer his raise to the people who beieve in him and his bankrupt company - the stockholders. He should divide his 250K up, and send shareholders some of their money back. Hell, it's their money funding his raise in the first place, if you think about it.
Of course he will not do anything of the sort. Most of the stockholders' 250K will most likely go to Mel's dentist - those picket fence-like choppers are quite dfficult to maintain, you know.
Years from now, Sirius will be looked at by business students as the poster child of how to run a monopolistic business into the ground in record time. Mel and Howard Stern will be dubbed as the greedy, beady-eyed liars that killed this company.