'Cleansing' diets lure celebs, but not health experts
'Cleansing' diets lure celebs, but not health experts - USATODAY.com
'Cleansing' diets lure celebs, but not health experts - USATODAY.com
As foolish as it always sounds, talking about Robin's enemas/souping/fasting, it's having the desired results. No one can argue that she's lost a considerable amount of weight. Whether or not it's the best way to go about it, or if she'll be able to keep it off in the long-term, well that's debatable. But for now, it's working for Robin.
But uh, yeah, she's nuts.
Eat right and exercise. Thats it.
I've lost 20lbs now since Jan.
The diet and exercise sounds good on paper. But hey...why would you want to do all of that hard work????
Unfortunately we have a society that is looking for a quick fix or a lazy way out.
I also think a lot of it is psychological as you adopt a new routine.
Really?!?!!? Where do I get that? :ter:
I bet if I call within the next 15 minutes they'll DOUBLE my order!!
(just pay $4.95 for shipping and handling).
In still in mice testing. But they've made some buff ass little rodents!
Yeah, but in ten years the mice will crap out their intestines or their genitals will fall off.
There are no easy fixes. The oldest and most difficult road is the only one that works.
A lot of colon cleansing is just dehydration. It's the Akin's diet all over again. Your intestines move fluid in/out and you can dehydrate yourself by screwing up the salt balance. It's a bunch of BS. Atkins worked because you dehydrate. You loose weight, but it's just water weight and you'll take it right back on.
UGH! I keep telling you! It's NOT about that.
Trust me here. Please!
It's about self-control. It's NOT about what you're saying.
You know, if you folks DID it, you would see what I'm saying.
It's NOT about the physical (the short-term shit), it's ALL about the psychological aspect of EATING.
It breaks that. IF you're daring enough to even try it. IT REQUIRES TOTAL COMMITMENT. PERIOD.
You DO it, or you DON'T. It's very cut and dry. You follow the plan. If you don't, and have ANYTHING else... you blew it. Game over, start over.
In the end, it's not about losing weight, it's about breaking eating habits. AND IT WORKS!!
As foolish as it always sounds, talking about Robin's enemas/souping/fasting, it's having the desired results. No one can argue that she's lost a considerable amount of weight. Whether or not it's the best way to go about it, or if she'll be able to keep it off in the long-term, well that's debatable. But for now, it's working for Robin.
But uh, yeah, she's nuts.
UGH! I keep telling you! It's NOT about that.
Trust me here. Please!
It's about self-control. It's NOT about what you're saying.
You know, if you folks DID it, you would see what I'm saying.
It's NOT about the physical (the short-term shit), it's ALL about the psychological aspect of EATING.
It breaks that. IF you're daring enough to even try it. IT REQUIRES TOTAL COMMITMENT. PERIOD.
You DO it, or you DON'T. It's very cut and dry. You follow the plan. If you don't, and have ANYTHING else... you blew it. Game over, start over.
In the end, it's not about losing weight, it's about breaking eating habits. AND IT WORKS!!
I've done it.
You are right about it requiring commitment. But it's about CHANGING eating habits, not breaking them. Most people AREN'T committed to making the change - that is why they latch on to some gimmick progam that promises miracle results. They see it as some way to quickly drop a few pounds so that they can go back to doing what they always did.
Most of the gimmick weight loss plans offer no help or training in how to eat in the 'real' world. And ultimately even if someone is committed to losing the weight, they also fail because they haven't been taught how to eat right. If they lose the gimmick, they have no rudder. Take a look at most of the "winners" of the TV show "The Biggest Loser". Most of them are back to their old habits and are almost as heavy as when they started, because they relied on a gimmick program to lose weight. Their habits were 'broken' but once they were out of the gym every day, they ultimately didn't change them.
Some of those programs may stick for some people, but in the end, I think it requires commitment, and a sensible weight loss program that includes information on what and how to eat without gorging yourself.