This was deleted off of wikipedia about him. I gotta build a case for this guy to get on Stern. He is a charicature.
“Tony Tag” is a mysterious character who probably lives in the area of Oak Park, Illinois where he is most frequently sighted. For years he’s been spotted around Oak Park and throughout all the Chicagoland area (numerous Bally’s health-clubs, grocery stores, bars, jogging, driving down various major thoroughfares in the western suburbs.
Tony has the flamboyant appearance of an aging, retired porn star or perhaps an early 80’s, southern California cheese metal/glam rock band. Easy to recognize, he appears in his mid 40’s to early 50’s, has a leathery, tan complexion and a blond, longish, mussed up hairdo (a la Sammy Haggar). Tony is usually seen driving his lipstick red Ferrari with gold chrome and spoked rims with the vanity plates “TONY TAG”. Though he also has a Cadillac (also lipstick red with gold chrome and spoked rims). Even more strange, it seems the Cadillac has exactly the same "TONY TAG" vanity plates. Given the dubious legality of 2 cars with the same plates, this does need to be verified. His fetish for red includes most of his clothes (red gym attire, silk evening shirts, tight pants), gym bag, and sunglasses. Even his iPod is red.
When Tony arrives at Bally’s for his workout, he ALWAYS manages to get the EXACT same parking space (conveniently located by the door). Despite the crowded conditions and he other trolling cars fishing for a space, it is as if the Gods have timed his arrival such that he can slip into the aforementioned space just as the previous occupant pulls out. Tony effortlessly gets his way, unaware of the seemingly Divine Order that delivers him the goods. He seems possessed by some strange, magical aura of undeserved protection and invincibility. Like some oblivious stooge strutting down the street jamming to his iPod with bricks falling out of the sky, Tony moves and grooves carelessly, neither aware nor concerned of the potential danger that never seems to touch him or the good fortune that always befalls him.