First Sirius-XM, and now AOL! I just heard some edited music on some of AOL Radio's hip-hop stations. WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS! WHY THE FUCK IS EVERYBODY GOT TO BE GOD-DAMNED RIGHTEOUS NOW?????? I AM SICK OF CENSORSHIP!
I don't understand. Why do you bother with these providers if you don't like the censorship ? Honestly I did not realize folks use Launchcast, and AOL still. Certainly other providers are available to listen to non filtered music. As mentioned in this thread.I sense you are being facetious, but nevertheless, your post is probably what a lotof Americans would think if they read it. WHY IS EVERYONE THESE DAYS SO UPTIGHT ABOUT CURSE WORDS? Don't we have bigger problems in this country now, like the economy and the high unemployment rate? Let the music be played as the artist recorded it! What really doesn't make sense on AOL and Yahoo's LAUNCHcast is that the same stations will play one song uncensored, then turn around and play a censored song. So they kind of half censor. What good is it to censor some stuff if you are not going to censor everything? It just doesn't make sense!
I sense you are being facetious, but nevertheless, your post is probably what a lotof Americans would think if they read it. WHY IS EVERYONE THESE DAYS SO UPTIGHT ABOUT CURSE WORDS? Don't we have bigger problems in this country now, like the economy and the high unemployment rate? Let the music be played as the artist recorded it! What really doesn't make sense on AOL and Yahoo's LAUNCHcast is that the same stations will play one song uncensored, then turn around and play a censored song. So they kind of half censor. What good is it to censor some stuff if you are not going to censor everything? It just doesn't make sense!
Do not be so quick to accept their acceptance of reality.Down with the religious right! Those hippocrites will be the first ones in Hell!
Are you thinking of Pandora? I've never seen an option to play only clean cuts on slacker.Seems Slacker is the only one that has an option to turn off the explicit content or not.
Are you thinking of Pandora? I've never seen an option to play only clean cuts on slacker.
No when you originally setup your account and even now you can go into your account and change it. You just uncheck play explicit content and you'll only get FM radio cuts.