Can somebody please help me out--Invalid channel message


Dec 18, 2008
I had problems with recordings over the weekend. Now I'm getting "invalid channel" when I try to tune into a station. Thats on all stations that I've tried.

I want to say I had this error message one time before, but I can't remember what I did to fix it.

I just tried the wifi and my music is playing.

I really hope somebody can help me out so I can get the live sat. channels again.

I tried searching for this error message but didn't come up with anything.


Oct 12, 2008
This is for the Stilletto 2?

Have you checked all your satellite connections? Antenna, dock, etc.?


Dec 18, 2008
Yes, for the S2. All my connections are good. I noticed over the weekend none of my recordings recorded.

Then this morning I was recording a channel, had it set for 3 hours. One hour in, I saw the status bar at the bottom all the right, the music stopped. When I tried to channel, it asked if I wanted to keep partial or delete, I clicked on keep partial. I changed the channel and then went to my recorded content and everything was erased.


Oct 12, 2008
Yes, for the S2. All my connections are good. I noticed over the weekend none of my recordings recorded.

Then this morning I was recording a channel, had it set for 3 hours. One hour in, I saw the status bar at the bottom all the right, the music stopped. When I tried to channel, it asked if I wanted to keep partial or delete, I clicked on keep partial. I changed the channel and then went to my recorded content and everything was erased.

Try the following:

1. Do a full shutdown. That's the hold the power button down for 10 seconds deal.

2. Pull the battery out for 30 seconds and replace. Then power it back up.

If conditions persist after that, you will have to factory reset the radio.


Dec 18, 2008
Very strange, prior to powering it down to pull the battery, on a whim, I clicked from wifi to the live Sat. mode and it started working again.

One thing I've found in my 3-4 months of ownership, my S2 is totally unreliable when it comes to recording and saving content.


Oct 12, 2008
Very strange, prior to powering it down to pull the battery, on a whim, I clicked from wifi to the live Sat. mode and it started working again.

One thing I've found in my 3-4 months of ownership, my S2 is totally unreliable when it comes to recording and saving content.

Try to regularly do the full shutdown thing.

I think they intentionally make these things unreliable in the long term because they want to make sure everyone loses all their recordings from time to time.


Oct 17, 2008
Very strange, prior to powering it down to pull the battery, on a whim, I clicked from wifi to the live Sat. mode and it started working again.

One thing I've found in my 3-4 months of ownership, my S2 is totally unreliable when it comes to recording and saving content.

Hi sportboy,

To make your SL2 reliable for recording you must do a full shutdown regularly (at least once a week). Also, it's a good idea to either turn off automatic Radio Relplays or to delete them regularly if you keep it on. If you have a dock, use it with the remote to do the full shutdown to avoid wearing out your SL2's off button.

To me, it seems that your SL2's memory is corrupted. If you don't mind losing all your current content, you should do a "device recovery". Your SL2 will come back as new. If you follow the advice above thereafter, you'll get a much better experience with your SL2.


Dec 18, 2008
Allanon, I do a full shutdown every week, at least the last 2 months, I've done that. I have no automatic replays. I also have no sd card in the device.


Oct 17, 2008
Allanon, I do a full shutdown every week, at least the last 2 months, I've done that. I have no automatic replays. I also have no sd card in the device.

So, you're doing all the right things. The only other thing (which you probably do already) is to not delete/edit recordings while they are recording.

Here's the link to the device recovery documentation and software:

SIRIUS Satellite Radio - Stiletto Device Recovery

Good luck!


Sherbet is NOT and NEVER WILL BE ice cream.
Oct 11, 2008
Toronto, ON
Allanon, I do a full shutdown every week, at least the last 2 months, I've done that. I have no automatic replays. I also have no sd card in the device.

You can do this but eventually the device will go buggy. I have not gone more than 4 months without a device recovery and I treat it with kid gloves and do everything correctly. Until they fix the device, its a price one pays. The good news is that so far a device recovery fixes it. If you start having wierd stuff happening ... do a device recovery.


Mod Emeritus
Oct 9, 2008
You may try clacking your heels together with your eyes closes and say, please give us an update Sirius, please give us an update! I truly kid, but I am amazed how some continue to defend how unreliable this device is and have gotten all over me for saying so, yet folks like Sportboy and now even IRBS continue to report problems even after doing all these little tricks and work arounds.


Sherbet is NOT and NEVER WILL BE ice cream.
Oct 11, 2008
Toronto, ON
You may try clacking your heels together with your eyes closes and say, please give us an update Sirius, please give us an update! I truly kid, but I am amazed how some continue to defend how unreliable this device is and have gotten all over me for saying so, yet folks like Sportboy and now even IRBS continue to report problems even after doing all these little tricks and work arounds.

I don't believe I have defended the devices memory corruption issue. It needs to be fixed. However, I have defended the radio in general and I still think it is a great radio and would not consider doing without it. If that means doing a device recovery every 4 months, so be it.


Mod Emeritus
Oct 9, 2008
I don't believe I have defended the devices memory corruption issue. It needs to be fixed. However, I have defended the radio in general and I still think it is a great radio and would not consider doing without it. If that means doing a device recovery every 4 months, so be it.

But did you try clacking your heels together? LOL


Mod Emeritus
Oct 9, 2008
Is hills southern for heels?

Okay, so did you try clacking your HEELS together? LOL I have a feeling that won't work either! But since you are trying all these other work arounds without success, you might give that one a shot! OH wait, that is right all those work arounds are good for 3 or 4 months, then the required recovery process! LOL You do know I am just busting your balls because you defend this thing like it is the last hope of mankind! hehehe


Sherbet is NOT and NEVER WILL BE ice cream.
Oct 11, 2008
Toronto, ON
Okay, so did you try clacking your HEELS together? LOL I have a feeling that won't work either! But since you are trying all these other work arounds without success, you might give that one a shot! OH wait, that is right all those work arounds are good for 3 or 4 months, then the required recovery process! LOL You do know I am just busting your balls because you defend this thing like it is the last hope of mankind! hehehe

I like the radio. If it didn't have the memory corruption, maybe it would be the last hope of mankind. But it does and even then it can be managed. And yes every 3 or 4 moths I have to spend 20 minutes on my computer doing a device recovery and another 5 reseting my presets and preferences. But the ability to do that is a good thing. Being able to unbrick a piece of electronics is a comfort of sorts.

Do I wish it worked 100%? Yes. Is there any other radio on the market that could do what I need it to do? No. Can I live with this one shortcoming? Yes. Will I continue to let you get beneth my skin about it? Probably.


Oct 16, 2008
I'm a big supporter of the SL100...

Mine is on about 14 hours a day: 6 hours of recording every night, 8 hours of playback at work. Occasional car use, and always take it with me when I travel.

In this year of heavy use, I've missed exactly 1 scheduled recording. I have all 10 hours of songs recorded, and all my personal MP3 space filled.

Never have had to do a device recovery, knock on wood.

I do NOT use radio replays.
I do a weekly shutdown/restart.
I use the remote whenever possible rather than the wheel/buttons.
I am careful when docking and undocking.

Little TLC paying off so far.