Bubba speaks about the contract issue


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
Right about 5:10 PM ET on the afternoon replay, Bubba mentioned the following items. Some of it we already know, so let me recap:

1) Beasley Broadcasting isn't apparently doing much for the show.
2) Howard's contract ends on 12/31/2010.
3) Bubba's contracts ends on 12/31/2010.
4) There is a "window of opportunity" for Bubba to get out of the FM deal with Cox.
5) Sirius can also buy him out of the Cox contract at any time if they want.

Now, take this post from SlideJobJones.

We all know that Bubba can go podcast at any time. The only negative would be that we'd have to download the show, or listen live over the internet but at least we could listen at any time and create our own replay schedule.

The FTEs might get the screwjob on the live show, but i'm sure enough truck stops have internet access. If the trucks don't have internet access, then they could download the shows. (I know about phones with internet. I know it's possible to hook the phone up to the truck's speakers, but nationwide internet isn't 100% available yet.)

Bubba could broadcast whenever he wanted, for as long as he wanted. He could play music or old bits instead of commericals...although commercials would certainly keep any subscription fees down.

He could start at 10 AM or noon or whenever and be home in time for quality "family time."

A podcast would mean that he would be "corporate."

Bubba going 100% podcast? It could be very possible.

TSS Taylor

Oct 9, 2008
Chicago, IL
Putting any credibility on what will happen is impossible. Both Howard and Bubba have said many times that they weren't going to renew, then did. Bubba last year said back and forth he was going to be with SIRIUS and then not be with SIRIUS.

It's all tactics IMO. And to truly know what will happen is impossible.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2008
Albany, NY
4) There is a "window of opportunity" for Bubba to get out of the FM deal with Cox.
5) Sirius can also buy him out of the Cox contract at any time if they want.
This surprises me, I figured it would be pretty much off the table with the latest contract.

Bubba is always bringing up the podcast thing, and it would be a perfect venue for him being somewhat of a control freak.

He should start off by podcasting the FM show on Bubba Raw and elsewhere. It would help him test the infrastructure and help gauge the response to see how many people get Bubba Raw for it.

But I don't see any of this happening soon.

Also it would be quite ironic if there was an FM audience backlash if he got his contract bought out. :jj:


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
Canada Eh!
Bandwidth costs money and I think he'd have to trim down his staff but I'd be all for. Even willing to pay some sort of fee if the content was great.


Molon Labe!
Oct 16, 2008
Western, PA
Everyone is waiting for the payout once Howard's $100 million/year is off the books.

They're going to have to pay Howard that much again just to get him to do 3 shows per week. Howard can't leave. Millions will cancel.

I can't see either HOWARD or BUBBA going to a podcast willy schedule. That is a lot of work just to listen to a show. You have to search it, download it, load it on your player, then listen to your player. That is all a lot of work.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2008
Howard said that he would never do a podcast.

I would look into Howard doing some form of a podcast in the future.

He would make a fortune if he ever sold his old shows(Master Tape) for 99cents a show on iTunes.

TSS Taylor

Oct 9, 2008
Chicago, IL
They're going to have to pay Howard that much again just to get him to do 3 shows per week. Howard can't leave. Millions will cancel.

I can't see either HOWARD or BUBBA going to a podcast willy schedule. That is a lot of work just to listen to a show. You have to search it, download it, load it on your player, then listen to your player. That is all a lot of work.

I don't think as many will cancel as they say will. Commuters, unlikely. But to those who think Howard costs too much money should be buying stock like crazy because then when they don't have to pay Howard that means a huge savings.

But to me he is a bargain at $100 million and I agree with you on that.


Oct 13, 2008
Columbus, OH
I think we all know that Mel will not pay Bubba. Mel likes his guys to be from NY. Thats just how he is. I'm sure they won't pay Ellis either. They will string him along like Bubba and give them the bare minimum. I don't know why you guys would think otherwise. Until Mel and Sirius realize that there is life outside of NY we will get the same old shit. Thats just my opinion and I won't change it till Mel steps up to the plate and pays guys like Ellis and Bubba what they deserve.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
Canada Eh!
After seeing how Bubba was treated. I have no doubt Sirius will drop the ball with Ellis in a few years time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
Putting any credibility on what will happen is impossible. Both Howard and Bubba have said many times that they weren't going to renew, then did. Bubba last year said back and forth he was going to be with SIRIUS and then not be with SIRIUS.

It's all tactics IMO. And to truly know what will happen is impossible.


Just like 2008, we won't know anything about the next contract until the last live show of the year (or there abouts.)

Just like Howard said he was done in 1995, 1999, 2005, and many other times, we won't know it happens until it does.

Still...it's fun to talk about the possibilities.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
Bubba is always bringing up the podcast thing, and it would be a perfect venue for him being somewhat of a control freak.

He should start off by podcasting the FM show on Bubba Raw and elsewhere. It would help him test the infrastructure and help gauge the response to see how many people get Bubba Raw for it.


They could easily do an hour live show at 11 AM a few days a week exclusively for Bubba Raw subscribers.

Archive it on Bubba Raw for later listening.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
Everyone is waiting for the payout once Howard's $100 million/year is off the books.

They're going to have to pay Howard that much again just to get him to do 3 shows per week. Howard can't leave. Millions will cancel.

I can't see either HOWARD or BUBBA going to a podcast willy schedule. That is a lot of work just to listen to a show. You have to search it, download it, load it on your player, then listen to your player. That is all a lot of work.

What Vargas said. The day Howard leaves is the same day that millions cancel. However... Sirius XM seemed to be ok pre-Howard (2004 and prior.) But, that was also before other various huge contracts were signed.

Yes, Howard's contract is expensive. But it's also paid for (with extra money left over.)

As far as a podcast goes for either Howard or Bubba, it seems like there'd be a lot of listeners who couldn't figure it out. Would B-Fudd, Wendy, Gary, Beetle, or anyone else of that "magnitude" be able to figure out how to download a show? At least now, they can set up their radios to "press the 1 button on their radio for Howard 100."


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
After seeing how Bubba was treated. I have no doubt Sirius will drop the ball with Ellis in a few years time.

How do you say "Cheap Jew motherfuckers" in Ellis-talk?

If Ellis pulls a Riley...watch out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
Canada Eh!
I'd hate to see Sirius lose both Bubba and Ellis. In the future I'd LOVE to see a Bubba in the morning and Ellis in the afternoon type deal on any channel.


Oct 13, 2008
Columbus, OH
Never fear...... If they lose Bubba and Ellis they still have Maddog. 3 million a year for baseball 24/7 365. It doesn't matter that the NFL is heating up or college football is getting exciting. Lets talk about baseball. Sorry to you guys that drink the kool aid and dig the guy.

If they lose Bubba and Ellis it will suck bad. I hope Mel gets the NY stick out of his ass and resigns both to decent deals.