Bubba on Sirius Internet Radio?


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
I wonder if this idea was ever thought of late last year.

It's a long post, but the important stuff is in bold.

Anyone could get it through their phone.
It would be accessible through any computer.
It would also be accessible through a Stiletto.
It might also sell a few more Stilettos.

Obviously, some people might be faced with the rate increase that happened in March, but it would allow:

Five shows per week. Monday through Thursday would be 11 AM until whenever. (This would probably create a hole on 101 from 3 to 7 PM, or just re-air the FM show uncensored, like now.)

Maybe have him go from 11 AM until 3 PM, then re-air that on 101 at 3 PM ET.
-- You'd have to admit that a rebroadcast uncensored show would be better than a Florida-centric, somewhat-censored show.

OR...Bubba could sign off when he wanted, unlike the current situation on Fridays. If he wanted to go until 2 PM, fine. 3 PM? No problem. -- If he runs long, then wha

Maybe even a deal set up with COX where the FM show is broadcast uncensored to Sirius on the "Bubba Internet Radio Network" (like what O&A did with CBS and XM.)

6 AM until whenever -- Bubba FM show, uncensored. (Think of O&A's XM broadcast, when they shared with CBS. If someone called in and cursed, FM listeners wouldn't hear it, but Sirius XM listeners would.)

11 AM to whenever -- Internet exclusive. Give the guys a little break in the middle. They have to pee, stretch, etc.

3 PM to 7 PM -- Either keep it as-is with the "Bubba Tape Theatre", or the first few hours of the uncensored internet show. If they have to scrap some, because they ran long on the internet side, then so be it.

After 7 PM ET, reair the uncensored stuff around the clock.

6 AM to 10 AM - Bubba FM show uncensored.
10 AM to 2 PM - Live on Howard 101 AND internet.

2 PM to whenever - Live on internet.

6 AM - Re-air every uncensored show non-stop.

I'm sure that if Bubba chose to go live past 3 PM (or 2 PM on Fridays), it wouldn't be much. That's a LOT of talking for anyone. I do like the idea, though.

I still am in awe of the whole deal. Some FM listener, driving around in their car, or whatever. "Because Howard doesn't have to work on Fridays, I get screwed out of 40 minutes of extra Bubba?" I can't believe people actually listen to the censored version.

Live and censored?
Delayed and "un" censored? (Bubba Tape Theatre)

Give me the second one.

Of course, this would almost necessitate more money from Sirius XM, who would probably want him on the satellite side, but it wouldn't mean they'd have to find a slot for him.

Everyone has the option of hearing BTLS five days a week, live and uncensored. If you don't get the internet channel, then you still get 5 uncensored shows a week, only one of which is live.

Still, a better deal than what we get now.

And the Ellis fans could still switch over at 3 PM.
Howard from 6 - 11
Bubba from 11 - 3
Ellis from 3-7
Ferrall from 8-12.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2008
Albany, NY
Maybe have him go from 11 AM until 3 PM
That's what he was pushing for, but Sirius XM said no to a time change because of the West Coast Feed. And apparently they wouldn't let him be on another channel in that time slot.
Maybe even a deal set up with COX where the FM show is broadcast uncensored to Sirius on the "Bubba Internet Radio Network" (like what O&A did with CBS and XM.)
Makes sense doesn't it? Air the show live on, let's say, 108. And leave it to replay on 101 "uncensored."

You can stream the show live for free on seven websites, listen for free on FM. But you can't hear the show anywhere live on Sirius XM, where a lot of the fanbase listens to it. Makes no sense to me.

As for a seperate uncensored show everyday, I doubt Bubba would want to do two shows a day again. Nor could Sirius XM come up with the money to convince him. People just need to accept the fact that we're not going to get full time uncensored shows again for at least two years. And I'm skeptical he's going to be signed exclusively to Sirius XM when the time comes.

Your idea, and the ideas of other people on here make more sense no doubt. But we appear to be stuck with this idiotic arrangement for a while.


Last non-Hating Stern Fan
Oct 11, 2008
Sirius dropped the Bubba ball a long time ago and Cox picked it up. He's no longer an asset they can use at their leisure. I don't think they appreciated the level of non-Howard listeners that he had.

Since Bubba is one of the few FM assets making ratings these days, it's gonna be hard for Sirius to get him back exclusively, IMO. The better he does, the more FM will want to keep him and throw $$ at him to do so. Without a huge turnaround by Sirius economically, I just don't see him coming back. Maybe if Howard signs an extension and they include Bubba as more than an afterthought, like an extension and plans to be the anchor "live" show after Howard leaves, then I could see it happening...

MAJ Badmotherfarker

is drinking a beer.
Oct 11, 2008
Washington D.C.
Sirius f*cked Bubba big time. It was Sirius' fault, not Bubba's, that a lot of us stopped listening. BTLS worked their ASSES off for years to promote Sirius, and got ZERO in return.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2008
Albany, NY
Sirius f*cked Bubba big time. It was Sirius' fault, not Bubba's, that a lot of us stopped listening. BTLS worked their ASSES off for years to promote Sirius, and got ZERO in return.
I'm listening to today's replay and they're talking about the Houston meet and greet. I had forgotten how much he had done to get the word out and promote Sirius. Lest we forget the live UFC shows on the weekends. Extra Bubba was great.

MAJ Badmotherfarker

is drinking a beer.
Oct 11, 2008
Washington D.C.
I'm listening to today's replay and they're talking about the Houston meet and greet. I had forgotten how much he had done to get the word out and promote Sirius. Lest we forget the live UFC shows on the weekends. Extra Bubba was great.

I was at the Houston meet/greet. Met Sirius_Rich and Taylor there. Great time.


Oct 13, 2008
Columbus, OH
Sirius dropped the Bubba ball a long time ago and Cox picked it up. He's no longer an asset they can use at their leisure. I don't think they appreciated the level of non-Howard listeners that he had.

Since Bubba is one of the few FM assets making ratings these days, it's gonna be hard for Sirius to get him back exclusively, IMO. The better he does, the more FM will want to keep him and throw $$ at him to do so. Without a huge turnaround by Sirius economically, I just don't see him coming back. Maybe if Howard signs an extension and they include Bubba as more than an afterthought, like an extension and plans to be the anchor "live" show after Howard leaves, then I could see it happening...

Your 100% correct. Sirius really fucked up. It's like Bubba was saying "If your not from New York you don't matter". With all do respect to Mad dog and his fans(I have come around to listening a little) there is no way in hell he(Maddog) could go around the country like Bubba did(Bubbapalooza) and put asses in seats. I went to the Cleveland show and it was packed. Bubba promoted the shit out of Sirius. He was a real team player and they fucked up. I guess they figured Maddog was worth more and would bring in more subscribers. I'm not trying to bash Maddog at all. I know he has his fans on here. I'm just trying to make a point.


Active Member
Mar 10, 2009
You all are correct. Sirius totally f-ed themselves by not re-signing Bubba to an exclusive deal before Cox even came along. Remember the meltdowns he had at the end of '07 before he announced the Cox deal?

Before the SiriusXM merger was announced, BTLS was the best show on Sirius. The "When Shit hits the Fan" bit was one of his best ever. I was :roflmao: yesterday listening to it over again.

His censored show cant hold a candle to his live Sirius show each Friday. I have tried since January to listen to the censored show, but its not the same. :banghead:


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
Makes sense doesn't it? Air the show live on, let's say, 108. And leave it to replay on 101 "uncensored."

If there's any confusion on anyone's part, I don't think Bubba minds doing two shows. He didn't like doing a show from 6 until 10, then another show from 3 to 7. There's a big difference.

There's two big questions coming up:
1) Will Howard retire at the end of 2010?
2) If that happens, what will Sirius XM's financial picture be like?

Chob, I'm not saying put it on 108, or any other satellite channel. Sirius has said they don't have the space on a satellite channel. They don't want to mess with the West Coast Feed, and that's fine.

I'm saying create a special internet-only channel for Bubba to broadcast live on from 11 AM until 3 PM (or whenever.) That show would be re-aired at 3 PM ET on Howard 101.

If the FM show can't go unedited online (like the O&A show on CBS/XM), then there's two options:

1) Delay the FM show for the online channel.
2) Use the online channel as "Bubba live and bits." When Bubba isn't live in-studio, or at an event, then play the Super K5, or whatever other bits they have. Air classic BTLS shows. Maybe even air Bubbapaloozas on there.

Should Bubba want to run past 3 PM, that bit would most likely be edited out of the 101 replay. But really, that's ok. People can use their Stilettos, mobile phones, whatever they have to access the online channel.

And I totally agree that Sirius screwed the pooch on this one. But to put Bubba live at 11 AM ET on an internet channel would be better than the current arrangement.

Here's how I see the schedule shaping up:
6 AM to 10 AM (or whenever) -- Either uncensored FM show, classic Bubba, or random bits.

11 AM to 3 PM (or whenever) -- Bubba live. On Fridays, keep the 101 schedule the same, but also have it on a 1-hour delay online.

3 PM to 7 PM on 101... Uncensored internet show delayed. If they run long online, then it would probably have to be cut out of the M-Thursday schedule, but the whole show could easily be re-aired on the weekend.

After signoff, just re-air the show on a repeat deal, or re-air the FM show.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2008
Chi-Town (South Side)
That's what he was pushing for, but Sirius XM said no to a time change because of the West Coast Feed. And apparently they wouldn't let him be on another channel in that time slot.

Makes sense doesn't it? Air the show live on, let's say, 108. And leave it to replay on 101 "uncensored."

You can stream the show live for free on seven websites, listen for free on FM. But you can't hear the show anywhere live on Sirius XM, where a lot of the fanbase listens to it. Makes no sense to me.

As for a seperate uncensored show everyday, I doubt Bubba would want to do two shows a day again. Nor could Sirius XM come up with the money to convince him. People just need to accept the fact that we're not going to get full time uncensored shows again for at least two years. And I'm skeptical he's going to be signed exclusively to Sirius XM when the time comes.

Your idea, and the ideas of other people on here make more sense no doubt. But we appear to be stuck with this idiotic arrangement for a while.

we all know that bubba wanted to do the mid day show on h101. but they're not gonna take off the west coast replay. given he's such a popular show on sirius, they could have easily put him on another channel. my guess, is sirius did not wanna have to pay bubba for 5 days a week for an exclusive channel.

The Butler

Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Canton-Massillon, Ohio
we all know that bubba wanted to do the mid day show on h101. but they're not gonna take off the west coast replay. given he's such a popular show on sirius, they could have easily put him on another channel. my guess, is sirius did not wanna have to pay bubba for 5 days a week for an exclusive channel.

There was a lot of moving of shows on 108 and Stars Too around this time. If Sirius wanted to sign them, they could have found a spot. Me thinks Howard wasn't happy about him 1) being on another channel and 2) being on as the same time as the end of his live show and the west coast deal.


Last non-Hating Stern Fan
Oct 11, 2008
Me thinks Howard wasn't happy about him 1) being on another channel and 2) being on as the same time as the end of his live show and the west coast deal.

Me thinks Howard didn't give two shits about either 1 or 2. Sirius didn't want to pay and Bubba didn't want to kill himself doing a 2nd show for less money and no respect.

MAJ Badmotherfarker

is drinking a beer.
Oct 11, 2008
Washington D.C.
I've been disappointed in Howard's behavior for a while now. He loves to say, "hey, I just work here", when it comes to the other DJs, but that's not even close to the truth. Sirius was built around him since 2006. Kills me to see people like Martha and Jami Foxx (sp?) make millions while Bubba gets kicked to the curb. Hell, Ellis can't even get a promo mention.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2008
Albany, NY
Chob, I'm not saying put it on 108, or any other satellite channel. Sirius has said they don't have the space on a satellite channel. They don't want to mess with the West Coast Feed, and that's fine.

And I don't buy the fact that they didn't have enough space on the channels. Like Butler said they had shitcanned Maxim Radio and were shuffling around shows on Sirius XM Stars Too. That channel still doesn't have much besides C&R, Jay Thomas, and Vinnie Politan and is filled with plenty of replays. And what about Raw Dog? There's no live morning show there.

If they don't value the show enough to either pay up, let Bubba be on middays, or air the FM show live on satellite. Do you really think they'd dedicate the effort and resources needed for a specialized Bubba internet channel? Especially with all the bits and other things you mentioned. Someone would have to put time and effort into that, and money as well.

Your idea sounds great and would be a treat for Bubba fans, but it's not something Sirius XM would care enough to do.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
There was a lot of moving of shows on 108 and Stars Too around this time. If Sirius wanted to sign them, they could have found a spot. Me thinks Howard wasn't happy about him 1) being on another channel and 2) being on as the same time as the end of his live show and the west coast deal.

I think we're on to something.

Bubba obviously likes being on the Howard channel and "part of the family" and all that.

With the current system, anyone can listen to the WCF, and BTLS.

OTOH, if i'm out west, wouldn't I listen live, if I had the chance? IMO, the WCF is good for changing the channel during a break. You're listening on one channel, they take a break? Switch it over for a few minutes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
Me thinks Howard didn't give two shits about either 1 or 2. Sirius didn't want to pay and Bubba didn't want to kill himself doing a 2nd show for less money and no respect.

Bubba didn't want to kill himself from 6 AM to 7 PM (even with a break in the middle.)

Bubba wouldn't mind doing two shows, providing they get out of there at a decent time.

I think if he had his choice, he'd go back to satellite in a heartbeat. Liquid ass, shock the puss, state of the Bubba, torture rack, taser the tits, etc.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
I've been disappointed in Howard's behavior for a while now. He loves to say, "hey, I just work here", when it comes to the other DJs, but that's not even close to the truth. Sirius was built around him since 2006. Kills me to see people like Martha and Jami Foxx (sp?) make millions while Bubba gets kicked to the curb. Hell, Ellis can't even get a promo mention.

True. The company was basically built around his arrival at Sirius. Since then, where have the promos been? He hasn't been on the late-night shows in a long time. (Maybe this is the company's fault, though.)

Martha and Jamie Foxx? Yeah, you should certainly have to prove your worth to a company before you get the money. Now that Sirius and XM are one company, maybe these costs will go down over time, since there's no other satellite company to bid against.

Ellis? Riddle me this -- Who was he before this year? I don't doubt he had his fair share of fans, but I don't remember hearing anything much about him before this year.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
And I don't buy the fact that they didn't have enough space on the channels. Like Butler said they had shitcanned Maxim Radio and were shuffling around shows on Sirius XM Stars Too. That channel still doesn't have much besides C&R, Jay Thomas, and Vinnie Politan and is filled with plenty of replays. And what about Raw Dog? There's no live morning show there.

If they don't value the show enough to either pay up, let Bubba be on middays, or air the FM show live on satellite. Do you really think they'd dedicate the effort and resources needed for a specialized Bubba internet channel? Especially with all the bits and other things you mentioned. Someone would have to put time and effort into that, and money as well.

Your idea sounds great and would be a treat for Bubba fans, but it's not something Sirius XM would care enough to do.

Maybe 108 from 11-3 (or whenever) is an option.

The internet idea is a great one...if Sirius had the money to do it. :(


Last non-Hating Stern Fan
Oct 11, 2008
Yeah, if Sirius was willing to spend the money on Bubba, we wouldn't be in these druthers...

They were only willing to pay for sloppy seconds on the FM show. I hope they get some kind of plan formulated for what happens in a year and a half. The music is a great addition to Howard, but I probably won't be paying for that alone...