Thanks for the info. How is the iphone when it comes to streaming. I mean is it just like with a voice signal, it will work as long as there is a signal?
So just like you can talk and drive all over with a signal, you should be able to listen to sirius on the iphone with no problems either. Right?
mrpacs said:Pocket Tunes works perfectly but it is $10.
OK. I'm getting an iPhone this week (my company is going form BB to iPhones). If I get Pocket Tunes I can listen to Sirius? Is it all channels my subscription has access to?
I would only use it for Stern actually. Otherwise I'd be using Slacker. Is there a slacker app for the iPhone? I assume there is.
I just can't wait to get this phone to see what all it has. Is your phone jailbroken?
actually for him, pocket tunes or wunderradio is the best way to go.If you do not listen to Stern, you could actually save yourself the cost of Pocket Tunes and just get the Sirius XM App. If you listen to Stern then Pocket Tunes will provide that for you. I purchased pocket tunes a while back, but actually like the Sirius XM App better, but I don't listen to Stern. I think it should give you full access to whatever you pay for now.
he said he has a lifetime sub, and therefore i assume the 32kb free feed when it was available. those with this particular internet sub access canNOT use the sirixm free app because it requires the 128 premium feed. i know from experience.
and also from experience i have jailbroken my iphone and itouch. i find it worth it if only to stick a giant finger in the face of apple for not letting me use my devices how i want to,
I know pocket tunes works just fine, but you can't get around paying the premium internet fee with it to my knowledge! Just pony up Dawg!hehehe